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Usage Enumeration (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Defines supported usage types for the current resource.


Visual Basic Public Enum Usage
C# public enum Usage
C++ public enum class Usage
JScript public enum Usage


Member Value Description
None 0 Specifies no usage type for the current resource.
QueryWrapAndMip 2097152 Queries the resource to verify support for texture wrapping and mip-mapping.
QueryVertexTexture 1048576 Queries the resource to verify support for vertex shader texture sampling.
QueryPostPixelShaderBlending 524288 Queries the resource to verify support for post pixel shader blending. If Manager.CheckDeviceFormat fails with QueryPostPixelShaderBlending, post pixel blending operations are not supported. These operations include alpha test, pixel fog, render-target blending, color write enable, and dither.
QuerySrgbWrite 262144 Queries the resource to determine whether a texture supports gamma correction during a write operation.
QueryFilter 131072 Queries the resource format to determine whether it supports texture filter types other than Point (which is always supported).
QuerySrgbRead 65536 Queries the resource to determine whether a texture supports gamma correction during a read operation.
QueryLegacyBumpMap 32768 Queries the resource about a legacy bump map.
QueryDisplacementMap 16384 Queries the resource to determine whether it will be a displacement map.
AutoGenerateMipMap 1024 Specifies that the resource automatically generate mipmaps. Automatic mipmap generation is not supported for volume textures and depth stencil surfaces/textures. This usage is not valid for resources in system memory (SystemMemory).
Dynamic 512 Indicates that the vertex buffer requires dynamic memory use, which is useful for drivers because it enables them to determine where to place the buffer. In general, static vertex buffers are placed in video memory and dynamic vertex buffers are placed in accelerated graphics port (AGP) memory. Note that there is no separate static use. If Dynamic is not specified, the vertex buffer is made static.
NPatches 256 Indicates when the vertex buffer will be used for drawing N-patches.
RTPatches 128 Indicates when the vertex buffer will be used for drawing high-order primitives.
Points 64 Indicates when the vertex buffer will be used for drawing points.
DoNotClip 32 Indicates that the vertex buffer content will never require clipping. When rendering with buffers that have this flag set, the RenderStateManager.Clipping property must be set to false.
SoftwareProcessing 16 Specifies that vertex processing be done in software. If this flag is not used, vertex processing is done in hardware. SoftwareProcessing is used with Manager.CheckDeviceFormat to determine whether a particular texture format can be used as a vertex texture during software vertex processing. If it can, the texture must be created with Scratch.
WriteOnly 8 Informs the system that the application writes only to the vertex buffer. Using this flag enables the driver to choose the best memory location, which results in efficient write operations and rendering. Attempts to read from a vertex buffer created with this capability will fail. Buffers that are created with Default and that do not specify WriteOnly might experience significant drops in performance.
DepthStencil 2 Specifies that the resource will be a depth stencil buffer. DepthStencil can be used only with Default.
RenderTarget 1 Specifies that the resource will be a render target. RenderTarget can be used only with Default.

Enumeration Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D (microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

See Also