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Microsoft.Uddi Namespace

Note: The Microsoft UDDI SDK is not supported by or included in Microsoft Windows versions after Microsoft Windows Server 7. The Microsoft UDDI V3 SDK is included with Microsoft BizTalk Server. For more information about the Microsoft UDDI V3 SDK, see Microsoft BizTalk Server documentation
The Microsoft.Uddi namespace includes publish, inquiry, and response message classes. It also includes the exception classes and miscellaneous classes, structures, and enumerations.


Class Description
AccountLimitExceededException Represents a E_accountLimitExceeded runtime error that occurs when a UDDI method is running.
AddPublisherAssertions Adds one or more publisher assertions to the assertion collection for an individual publisher.
AssertionNotFoundException Represents a non-fatal E_assertionNotFound runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
AssertionStatusReport Contains the results of an assertion status report that is obtained with the GetAssertionStatusReport.Send method.
AuthToken Represents a token used to identify an authorized user for various UDDI messages on UDDI servers using UDDI authentication. To obtain an instance of this class, use the GetAuthToken.Send method.
AuthTokenExpiredException Represents the E_authTokenExpired UDDI error and is thrown when the Send method of a class that requires an authentication token is called and the specified authentication has expired.
AuthTokenRequiredException Represents the E_authTokenRequired UDDI error and is thrown when the Send method of a class that requires an authentication token is called and no valid authentication token has been set.
BindingDetail Contains the results of a business detail query performed with the FindBinding.Send, GetBindingDetail.Send or SaveBinding.Send method.
BusinessDetail Contain the results of a business detail query performed with the GetBusinessDetail.Send method.
BusinessDetailExt Contains the results of an extended business detail query performed with the GetBusinessDetailExt.Send method.
BusinessList Contains the results of a business query performed with the FindBusiness.Send method.
BusyException Represents a non-fatal E_busy runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
CategorizationNotAllowedException Represents a non-fatal E_catgorizationNotAllowed runtime error that arises during the execution of a UDDI method.
DeleteBinding Represents a request to delete a binding that meets the specified requirements.
DeleteBusiness Represents a request to delete a business entity that meets specific requirements. When the Send method is called, the DeleteBusiness class returns a DispositionReport object that contains information about the outcome of the request.
DeletePublisherAssertions Deletes one or more publisher assertions from the assertion collection for an individual publisher.
DeleteService Contains a message that will delete a service from the UDDI server.
DeleteTModel Deletes a tModel from the UDDI server.
DescriptionCollection Contains a collection of descriptions.
DiscardAuthToken Discards an authorization token obtained with the GetAuthToken class.
DispositionReport Represents the success or failure results of various operations.
ErrInfo Used with the Result.ErrInfo property to contain error information.
FatalErrorException Represents a non-fatal E_fatalError runtime error that arises during the execution of a UDDI method.
FindBinding Contains a request that is used to locate bindings that meet the specified requirements.
FindBusiness Represents a request to locate businesses that meet specific requirements.
FindQualifier Manages a set of fields that modify the default behavior of a find request.
FindRelatedBusinesses Represents a request to locate businesses that are related to a specific business. When the Send method is called, the FindRelatedBusinesses class returns a RelatedBusinessList object. This object contains a list of business that matched the relationship set by the FindRelatedBusinesses properties at the time the Send method was called.
FindService Searches for services that match the search criteria on a UDDI server.
FindTModel Locates a list of tModel entries that match a set of specific criteria. The result is a TModelList object that contains information about registered tModel data that matches the criteria.
GetAssertionStatusReport Provides the ability to determine the status of current and outstanding publisher assertions. The results can be restricted by setting the CompletionStatus property.
GetAuthToken Used to obtain an authorization token, which is represented by the AuthToken class.
GetBindingDetail Requests the run-time BindingTemplate information that is required to invoke a registered business function.
GetBusinessDetail Represents a UDDI business information request message.
GetBusinessDetailExt Represents a UDDI extended business information request message.
GetPublisherAssertions Represents a request to obtain the full set of publisher assertions that are associated with an individual publisher.
GetRegisteredInfo Represents a request to retrieve all registered business entities and tModels that are controlled by an individual.
GetServiceDetail Requests all information about a known BusinessService object.
GetTModelDetail Used to request information about specific tModels based on their tModelKeys.
InvalidCategoryException The InvalidCategoryException class represents a non-fatal E_invalidCategory runtime error that arises during the execution of a UDDI method.
InvalidKeyPassedException Represents a non-fatal E_invalidKeyPassed runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
InvalidProjectionException Represents a non-fatal E_invalidProjection runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
InvalidUrlPassedException Represents a non-fatal E_invalidURLPassed runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
InvalidValueException Represents a non-fatal E_invalidValue runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
KeyedReference Manages reference to a category or a business identifier.
KeyedReferenceCollection Manages a collection of KeyedReference objects.
KeyRetiredException Represents a non-fatal E_keyRetired runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
LanguageErrorException Represents a non-fatal E_languageError runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
ListExhaustedEventArgs Contains information about why the list of URLs was exhausted for the ManagedUrl class.
ManagedUrl Manages fail over and round-robin access to a group of access points.
MessageTooLargeException Represents a non-fatal E_messageTooLarge runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
Name Represents the name of a tModel or business.
NameCollection Manages a collection of Name objects.
NameTooLongException Represents a non-fatal E_nameTooLong runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
OperatorMismatchException Represents a non-fatal E_operatorMismatch runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
PublisherAssertionList Contains a list of PublisherAssertion objects.
RegisteredInfo Represents information about the business entity and tModel data that is controlled by an individual.
RelatedBusinessList Contains the results of a related business query that is performed with the FindRelatedBusinesses.Send method.
Result Contains the success or failure result of an operation. This class is used with the DispositionReport class.
ResultCollection Used with the DispositionReport.Results property to contain a collection of one or more Result objects.
SaveBinding The SaveBinding class posts binding information about a UDDI server.
SaveBusiness Used to add or update business entity information.
SaveService The SaveService class saves service information about a UDDI server.
SaveTModel Used to add or update a tModel in a UDDI server.
ServiceDetail The ServiceDetail class contains details about a group of services.
ServiceList Contains information about a group of services.
SetPublisherAssertions Used to modify the existing publisher assertions for an individual publisher.
TModelDetail Contains the results of a Send request of a GetTModelDetail object or a Send request of a SaveTModel object.
TModelList Contains the results of a Send request from a FindTModel object.
TooManyOptionsException Represents a non-fatal E_tooManyOptions runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
UddiConnection Represents a connection to a UDDI server.
UddiException Represents a non-fatal runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
UnknownErrorException Represents a non-fatal runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
UnknownUserException Represents a non-fatal E_unknownUser runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
UnrecognizedVersionException Represents a non-fatal E_unrecognizedVersion runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
UnsupportedException Represents a non-fatal E_unsupported runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
UserMismatchException Represents a non-fatal E_userMismatch runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.
ValidateValues Represents a request to validate the categoryBag or identifierBag that is used in a SaveBusiness, SaveService, or SaveTModel request.
ValueNotAllowedException Represents a non-fatal E_valueNotAllowed runtime error that occurs during the execution of a UDDI method.


Structure Description
Description Contains a description of an object.


Delegate Description
ListExhaustedEventHandler Handles ManagedUrl.ListExhausted events.


Enumeration Description
AuthenticationMode Identifies the type of authentication to be used.
CompletionStatusType Used with the AssertionStatusItem.CompletionStatus property to indicate the completion status of the business entity assertion.
DirectionType Represents the direction of a hierarchy relationship between the current business entity and another business entity.
ExhaustedReason Contains members that describe the reason why the list was exhausted.
KeyType Used with the Result.KeyType property to indicate the type of key to which the Result object refers.
RefreshMode Contains values that describe the refresh mode.
UrlType Represents a type of uniform resource locator reference.

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