Полный код жестов и манипуляций модели DOM (HTML)
[ Эта статья адресована разработчикам приложений среды выполнения Windows для Windows 8.x и Windows Phone 8.x. При разработке приложений для Windows 10 см. раздел последняя документация]
В этом разделе представлен образец полного кода, используемый в разделе Краткое руководство: указатели.
Эта статья содержит следующие разделы.
- Технологии
- Требования
- Просмотреть код ()
Папка для загрузки
Этот пример недоступен для загрузки.
Языки программирования | C++ |
Модели программирования | Windows Runtime |
Минимальная версия клиента | Windows 8 |
Минимальная версия сервера | Windows Server 2012 |
Минимальная версия пакета SDK | Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 для Windows 8 |
Просмотреть код ()
body {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
div #targetContainer {
Set the width and height properties of the target container to fill the viewport.
You can set these properties to 100%, but we use 100vw (viewport width) and 100vh (viewport height).
See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=301480 for more detail on CSS units supported by Internet Explorer.
height: 100vw;
width: 100vh;
overflow: hidden;
position: absolute;
div #colorMixer {
A manipulation-blocking element is defined as an element that explicitly
blocks direct manipulation via declarative markup, and instead fires gesture
events such as MSGestureStart, MSGestureChange, and MSGestureEnd.
touch-action: none;
-ms-transform-origin: 0px 0px;
position: absolute;
background-color: black;
border-color: white;
border-width: thick;
border-style: solid;
div #colorSelector {
position: relative;
div #eventLog {
input.Red {
background-color: rgb(255,0,0);
input.Green {
background-color: rgb(0,255,0);
input.Blue {
background-color: rgb(0,0,255);
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<!-- WinJS references -->
<link href="//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/css/ui-dark.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/js/base.js"></script>
<script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/js/ui.js"></script>
<!-- BasicGesture references -->
<link href="/css/default.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/js/default.js"></script>
<div class="TargetContainer" id="targetContainer">
<div id="colorMixer">
<input type="radio" name="color" value="R" title="Red" id="red" class="Red" /><label for="red" id="labelRed">Red</label>
<input type="radio" name="color" value="G" title="Green" id="green" class="Green" /><label for="green" id="labelGreen">Green</label>
<input type="radio" name="color" value="B" title="Blue" id="blue" class="Blue" /><label for="blue" id="labelBlue">Blue</label>
<div id="targetLog"></div>
<div id="eventLog"></div>
(function () {
"use strict";
var app = WinJS.Application;
var activation = Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation;
app.onactivated = function (args) {
if (args.detail.kind === activation.ActivationKind.launch) {
if (args.detail.previousExecutionState !== activation.ApplicationExecutionState.terminated) {
} else {
// TODO: This application has been reactivated from suspension.
// Restore application state here.
var _width = 640;
var _height = 640;
var _pointerInfo;
var _targetLog;
var _selectedColor;
var _colorRed, _colorGreen, _colorBlue;
// Color-specific data object.
// value: The color value (r, g, or b)
// rotation: The rotation value used to calculate color value.
// matrix: The transform matrix of the target.
function colorInfo(value, rotation, matrix) {
this.value = value;
this.rotation = rotation;
this.matrix = matrix;
function initialize() {
// Configure the target.
// Initialize color tracking.
// Configure the interaction target.
function setTarget() {
// Set up the target position, size, and transform.
colorMixer.style.width = _width + "px";
colorMixer.style.height = _height + "px";
colorMixer.style.msTransform = (new MSCSSMatrix()).
translate((window.innerWidth - parseInt(colorMixer.style.width)) / 2.0,
(window.innerHeight - parseInt(colorMixer.style.height)) / 2.0);
// Create gesture recognizer.
var msGesture = new MSGesture();
msGesture.target = colorMixer;
colorMixer.gesture = msGesture;
// Expando property for handling multiple pointer devices.
colorMixer.gesture.pointerType = null;
// Expando property to track pointers.
colorMixer.pointers = [];
// Declare event handlers.
colorMixer.addEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown, false);
colorMixer.addEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp, false);
colorMixer.addEventListener("pointercancel", onPointerCancel, false);
colorMixer.addEventListener("lostpointercapture", onLostPointerCapture, false);
colorMixer.addEventListener("MSGestureChange", onMSGestureChange, false);
colorMixer.addEventListener("MSGestureTap", onMSGestureTap, false);
colorMixer.addEventListener("MSGestureEnd", onMSGestureEnd, false);
colorMixer.addEventListener("MSGestureHold", onMSGestureHold, false);
// Initialize values and event listeners for color tracking.
function setColors() {
var m = new MSCSSMatrix(colorMixer.style.msTransform);
_colorRed = new colorInfo(0, 0, m);
_colorGreen = new colorInfo(0, 0, m);
_colorBlue = new colorInfo(0, 0, m);
document.getElementById("red").addEventListener("click", onColorChange, false);
document.getElementById("green").addEventListener("click", onColorChange, false);
document.getElementById("blue").addEventListener("click", onColorChange, false);
// Re-draw target based on transform matrix associated with color selection.
function onColorChange(e) {
switch (e.target.id) {
case "red":
colorMixer.style.msTransform = _colorRed.matrix;
case "green":
colorMixer.style.msTransform = _colorGreen.matrix;
case "blue":
colorMixer.style.msTransform = _colorBlue.matrix;
_selectedColor = e.target.id;
eventLog.innerText = "Color change";
targetLog.innerText = colorMixer.style.msTransform;
// Pointer down handler: Attach the pointer to a gesture object.
function onPointerDown(e) {
// Do not attach pointer if no color selected.
if (_selectedColor === undefined)
_selectedColor = getSelectedColor();
// Process pointer.
if (e.target === this) {
this.style.borderStyle = "double";
// Attach first contact and track device.
if (this.gesture.pointerType === null) {
this.gesture.pointerType = e.pointerType;
// Attach subsequent contacts from same device.
else if (e.pointerType === this.gesture.pointerType) {
// New gesture recognizer for new pointer type.
else {
var msGesture = new MSGesture();
msGesture.target = e.target;
e.target.gesture = msGesture;
e.target.gesture.pointerType = e.pointerType;
eventLog.innerText = "Pointer down";
// Get the current color.
function getSelectedColor() {
var colorSelection = document.getElementsByName("color");
for (var i = 0; i < colorSelection.length; i++) {
if (colorSelection[i].checked)
return colorSelection[i].id;
// Gesture change handler: Process gestures for translation, rotation, and scaling.
// For this example, we don't track pointer movements.
function onMSGestureChange(e) {
// Get the target associated with the gesture event.
var elt = e.gestureObject.target;
// Get the matrix transform for the target.
var matrix = new MSCSSMatrix(elt.style.msTransform);
// Process gestures for translation, rotation, and scaling.
e.target.style.msTransform = matrix.
translate(e.offsetX, e.offsetY).
translate(e.translationX, e.translationY).
rotate(e.rotation * 180 / Math.PI).
translate(-e.offsetX, -e.offsetY);
// Mix the colors based on rotation value.
switch (_selectedColor) {
case "red":
_colorRed.rotation += ((e.rotation * 180 / Math.PI));
_colorRed.rotation = _colorRed.rotation % 360;
targetLog.innerText = _colorRed.rotation.toString();
if (_colorRed.rotation >= 0)
_colorRed.value = parseInt(Math.abs(_colorRed.rotation) * (256 / 360));
_colorRed.value = parseInt((360 - Math.abs(_colorRed.rotation)) * (256 / 360));
document.getElementById("labelRed").innerText = _colorRed.value.toString();
_colorRed.matrix = matrix;
case "green":
_colorGreen.rotation += ((e.rotation * 180 / Math.PI));
_colorGreen.rotation = _colorGreen.rotation % 360;
targetLog.innerText = _colorGreen.rotation.toString();
if (_colorGreen.rotation >= 0)
_colorGreen.value = parseInt(Math.abs(_colorGreen.rotation) * (256 / 360));
_colorGreen.value = parseInt((360 - Math.abs(_colorGreen.rotation)) * (256 / 360));
document.getElementById("labelGreen").innerText = _colorGreen.value.toString();
_colorGreen.matrix = matrix;
case "blue":
_colorBlue.rotation += ((e.rotation * 180 / Math.PI));
_colorBlue.rotation = _colorBlue.rotation % 360;
if (_colorBlue.rotation >= 0)
_colorBlue.value = parseInt(Math.abs(_colorBlue.rotation) * (256 / 360));
_colorBlue.value = parseInt((360 - Math.abs(_colorBlue.rotation)) * (256 / 360));
document.getElementById("labelBlue").innerText = _colorBlue.value.toString();
_colorBlue.matrix = matrix;
e.target.style.backgroundColor = "rgb(" + _colorRed.value + ", " + _colorGreen.value + ", " + _colorBlue.value + ")";
targetLog.innerText = e.target.style.msTransform;
eventLog.innerText = "Gesture change";
// Tap gesture handler: Display event.
// The touch language described in Touch interaction design (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=268162),
// specifies that the tap gesture should invoke an elements primary action (such as launching an application
// or executing a command).
// The primary action in this sample (color mixing) is performed through the rotation gesture.
function onMSGestureTap(e) {
eventLog.innerText = "Gesture tap";
// Gesture end handler: Display event.
function onMSGestureEnd(e) {
if (e.target === this) {
this.style.borderStyle = "solid";
eventLog.innerText = "Gesture end";
// Hold gesture handler: Display event.
function onMSGestureHold(e) {
eventLog.innerText = "Gesture hold";
// Pointer up handler: Display event.
function onPointerUp(e) {
eventLog.innerText = "Pointer up";
// Pointer cancel handler: Display event.
function onPointerCancel(e) {
eventLog.innerText = "Pointer canceled";
// Pointer capture lost handler: Display event.
function onLostPointerCapture(e) {
eventLog.innerText = "Pointer capture lost";