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Image control design guidelines for Windows Phone

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

The Image control displays an image in PNG or JPEG format.

Image control

This topic contains the following sections.

Appearance and action

An Image control assumes the shape and properties of whatever image it is displaying. Images typically respond to several gestures in Windows Phone. Those gestures are:

  • Tap

  • Double-tap

  • Pan

  • Flick

  • Pinch-and-stretch

  • Touch-and-hold

Standard use

Use an Image control to display indexed images with 1-, 4-, or 8-bit color depth; you can also use it to display true color images with 24- or 32-bit color depth. Images can be presented alone or in groups using the ScrollViewer control.

Design guidelines

Image controls are flexible and can interact with other controls in a variety of ways. They can be used in cooperation with (or in some cases, in place of) controls like the Button or CheckBox control. When you use an Image control, keep these things in mind:

  • The quality and size of the actual image to be displayed must, in some part, determine the size of the control. Will this image look sharp and clear in the control you’ve designed?

  • Avoid pixelated images, which typically give your control a low-quality look and feel.

  • The size of an Image control should sometimes depend on the content of the image, or the role of the image in the view. Don’t favor large images out of principle, but do use large, high-quality images in your controls if they improve the clarity and beauty of your app.

See Also

