set::key_comp and set::value_comp
Illustrates how to use the set::key_comp and set::value_comp Standard Template Library (STL) functions in Visual C++.
template<class _K, class _Pr, class _A>
class set
// Function 1:
key_compare key_comp( ) const;
// Function 2:
value_compare value_comp( ) const;
The class/parameter names in the prototype do not match the version in the header file. Some have been modified to improve readability.
The key_comp function returns the stored function object that determines the order of elements in the controlled sequence. The value_comp function returns the same function that the key_comp function returns.
// SetComp.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Illustrates how to use the key_comp function to obtain a
// function pointer that is the stored function object that
// determines the order of elements in the controlled sequence.
// It also illustrates how to use the value_comp function to
// obtain a function pointer that is the stored function object
// that determines the order of the elements in the controlled
// sequence (same as key_comp result).
// Functions:
// key_comp Returns a function pointer to the function that
// determines the order of elements in the controlled
// sequence.
// value_comp Returns a function pointer to the function that
// determines the order of elements in the controlled
// sequence (same as key_comp).
#pragma warning(disable:4786)
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std ;
typedef set<int> SET_INT;
void truefalse(int x)
cout << (x?"True":"False") << endl;
int main() {
cout << "s1.key_comp()(8,10) returned ";
truefalse(s1.key_comp()(8,10)); // True
cout << "s1.value_comp()(8,10) returned ";
truefalse(s1.value_comp()(8,10)); // True
cout << "s1.key_comp()(10,8) returned ";
truefalse(s1.key_comp()(10,8)); // False
cout << "s1.value_comp()(10,8) returned ";
truefalse(s1.value_comp()(10,8)); // False
cout << "s1.key_comp()(8,8) returned ";
truefalse(s1.key_comp()(8,8)); // False
cout << "s1.value_comp()(8,8) returned ";
truefalse(s1.value_comp()(8,8)); // False
s1.key_comp()(8,10) returned True
s1.value_comp()(8,10) returned True
s1.key_comp()(10,8) returned False
s1.value_comp()(10,8) returned False
s1.key_comp()(8,8) returned False
s1.value_comp()(8,8) returned False
Header: <set>