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Checking Files In and Removing Changes

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In some cases, you may make changes to your local files, and then decide that you do not want to check the changes in to the source-code control system. You may, for instance, have viewed the local changes and discovered errors, you may have pursued some modifications that were not fruitful, or you may not have had time to implement some changes completely and do not care to check in incomplete code. In these cases, you can have the source-code control system check the files in, but ignore any changes you made.

Note   If you want to save the changes before checking the files in without the changes, you can always copy the files to another location, or save them under another name using the Save As command on the File menu.

To check files in but ignore changes

  1. In the FileView pane of the Project Workspace window, select the files that you want to check in without incorporating changes.

  2. From the Project menu, choose Source Control, and from the drop-down menu, choose Undo Check Out.

    The Undo Check Out dialog box appears, with checks next to the files that you have selected. The list includes all checked-out files in the project directory, and you may check or uncheck any files in the list.

  3. Click OK.

    The source-code control system changes the status of the files to checked in, but does not copy any of your changes to the master files. It does not record any differences. It also restores your local copy of the file so that it matches the master file.