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Checking Files In and Merging Changes

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If your source-code control system does not support exclusive use, it could happen that while you had the file checked out, another author also may have checked out the file, made changes, and then checked the file in. In this case, before you check in your local copy of the file, you need to find out if there were changes made by other authors. If so, you need to merge those changes into your local copy. You can then verify that all the changes are compatible and that none cause problems when you use the file. After you have verified the changes, you can check in the file.

To check files in and merge others’ changes

  1. In the FileView pane of the Project Workspace window, select the files that you want to check in.

  2. From the Project menu, choose Source Control, and from the drop-down menu, choose Get Latest Version.

    The Get Latest Version dialog box appears, with checks next to the files that you have selected. The list includes all files in the project directory under source-code control, and you may check or uncheck any files in the list.

  3. Click OK.

    The source-code control system copies master files to your local copies. If there is a file with changes in both your local copy and the master copy, your source-code control system notifies you that you have changes to merge. You then need to follow the recommended procedures in your source-code control system to reconcile the changes and verify those changes.

  4. Repeat steps 1 through 3.

    Remember that while you are verifying the last set of changes, another set may have appeared.

  5. When your source-code control system reports that there are no more files to merge, select the files that you want to check in.

  6. From the Project menu, choose Source Control and from the drop-down menu, choose Check In.

    The Check In File(s) dialog box appears, with checks next to the files that you have selected. The list includes all files in the project directory, and you may check or uncheck any files in the list.

  7. Click OK.

You can also check in a file using the shortcut menu in the text editor windows. Press the right mouse button to display the menu, and choose Check In.