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Step 4, Application Options

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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

The following options are set from the Step 4 Application Options dialog box.

Macro Type Description
APPWIZ_INITIAL_DLG text The dialog resource to open after the wizard ends.
TOOLBAR BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified that the application have a toolbar.
STATUSBAR BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified that the application have a status bar.
PRINT BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified that the application have printing support.
HELP BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified that the application have context-sensitive help.
3D BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified that the application use 3D controls.
ABOUT BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified that the dialog-based application include an About box.
MAPI BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified that the application include MAPI support.
SOCKETS BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified that the project have Windows Sockets support.
HAS_MRU BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has specified a nonzero value in the most recently used (MRU) text box.
REBAR BOOL Whether the project has IE Rebars.
SIZE_MRU text The value in the MRU text box.

See Also   Standard AppWizard Macros, The Dictionary, CCustomAppwiz::ProcessTemplate, CCustomAppwiz::PostProcessTemplate, How Macros Get Their Values