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Step 2, Database Options

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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

One or more database macros may be defined.

Macro Type Description
DAO BOOL Whether the selected data source is DAO; otherwise, it is ODBC.
DB BOOL Whether the standard MFC AppWizard user or custom AppWizard user has selected, at least, minimal database support. In other words, a radio button other than None is chosen by the user.
DB_CONNECT text The default connect string for the data source. This string is returned by a recordset's GetDefaultConnect member function or, by a DAO recordset's GetDefaultDBName member function.
DB_COLSINFO text Information on the names of the columns in the recordset. This information is used in the generated .CLW file.
DB_DSN text The human-readable name of the data source for this recordset.
DB_NUMCOLS text The number of columns in the data source.
DB_SOURCE text The default SQL statement returned by the recordset's GetDefaultSQL member function.
DB_VARSINFO text A list of the names of the recordset member variables.
OLEDB BOOL Whether the datasource selected is a OLE DB source or not.
PARAM_VARS text A string containing the declarations of a recordset's parameter member variables. Used in the recordset’s header (.H) file.
PARAM_VAR_BINDINGS text A string containing the initialization of a recordset's parameter member variables. Used in the recordset’s constructor, which is in the implementation (.CPP) file for the recordset.
PARAM_RFX text A string containing the RFX statements for a recordset’s parameter member variables. Used in the recordset’s DoFieldExchange member function, which is found in the recordset’s .CPP file.
RECSET_VARIABLE text The application’s main document class needs to refer to this recordset. This macro expands to the required data member variable of the document class.

See Also   Standard AppWizard Macros, The Dictionary, CCustomAppwiz::ProcessTemplate, CCustomAppwiz::PostProcessTemplate, How Macros Get Their Values