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CHttpServerContext Class Members

Data Members

m_bSendHeaders A flag to control whether headers are automatically included in an HTTP response.
m_pECB A pointer to an EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK structure.
m_pStream A pointer to a CHtmlStream.


CHttpServerContext Constructs a CHttpServerContext object.


GetServerVariable Copies information relating to an HTTP connection, or to the server itself, into a supplied buffer.
WriteClient Sends information to the HTTP client immediately.
ReadClient Reads information from the body of the Web client's HTTP request into the buffer supplied by the caller.
ServerSupportFunction Provides ISAs with some general-purpose functions as well as functions that are specific to HTTP server implementation.
TransmitFile Sends the data from a file from the server to the requester.
GetChunkSize Retrieve the current chunk size.
SetChunkSize Set the chunk size for the current context.


operator << Writes data into a stream.

CHttpServerContext OverviewHierarchy Chart

See Also   CHttpServer