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BOOL GetServerVariable( LPTSTR lpszVariableName**, LPVOID** lpvBuffer**, LPDWORD** lpdwSize );

Return Value

Nonzero if successful, otherwise 0. The Win32 API call can be used to determine why the call failed. Possible error values include:

Value Meaning
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Bad connection handle.
ERROR_INVALID_INDEX Bad or unsupported variable identifier.
ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER Buffer too small; the required size is returned in lpdwSize.
ERROR_MORE_DATA Buffer too small, only part of data returned. The total size of the data is not returned.
ERROR_NO_DATA The data requested is not available.



Null-terminated string indicating which variable is being requested. See the Remarks section below for a selection of possible names. All variable names are as defined in the CGI specification located at http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/env.html.


Pointer to buffer to receive the requested information.


Pointer to DWORD indicating the number of bytes available in the buffer. On successful completion the DWORD contains the number of bytes transferred into the buffer (including the null-terminating byte).


This member function is called by the framework to copy information relating to an HTTP connection, or to the server itself, into a buffer supplied by the caller. Possible lpszVariableNames include:

Value Meaning
ALL_HTTP All HTTP headers that were not already parsed into one of the above variables. These variables are of the form HTTP_<header field name>.
AUTH_TYPE Contains the type of authentication used.  For example, if Basic authentication is used, the string will be "Basic". For Windows NT Challenge-response, it will be "NTLM". Other authentication schemes will have other strings. Because new authentication types can be added to Internet Server, it is not possible to list all possible strings. If the string is empty then no authentication is used.
CONTENT_LENGTH The number of bytes which the script can expect to receive from the client.
CONTENT_TYPE The content type of the information supplied in the body of a POST request.
GATEWAY_INTERFACE The revision of the CGI specification to which this server complies. The current version is CGI/1.1.
HTTP_ACCEPT Special case HTTP header. Values of the Accept: fields are concatenated, separated by ", ". For example, if the following lines are part of the HTTP header:
accept: */*; q=0.1
accept: text/html
accept: image/jpeg

then the HTTP_ACCEPT variable will have a value of:

*/*; q=0.1, text/html, image/jpeg
PATH_INFO Additional path information, as given by the client. This comprises the trailing part of the URL after the script name but before the query string (if any).
PATH_TRANSLATED This is the value of PATH_INFO, but with any virtual path name expanded into a directory specification.
QUERY_STRING The information which follows the ? in the URL which referenced this script.
REMOTE_ADDR The IP address of the client.
REMOTE_HOST The hostname of the client.
REMOTE_USER This contains the username supplied by the client and authenticated by the server.
REQUEST_METHOD The HTTP request method.
SCRIPT_NAME The name of the script program being executed.
SERVER_NAME The server's hostname (or IP address) as it should appear in self-referencing URLs.
SERVER_PORT The TCP/IP port on which the request was received.
SERVER_PROTOCOL The name and version of the information retrieval protocol relating to this request. Normally HTTP/1.0.
SERVER_SOFTWARE The name and version of the web server under which the CGI program is running.

CHttpFilterContext OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart