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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

**BOOL ScanForAvailableLanguages(CStringList&**rLanguages );

Return Value

TRUE if one or more localized resource DLLs are found in the Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\msdev98\bin\ide directory, otherwise FALSE.



Stores strings describing each localized resource DLL, those with names described by APPWZ*.DLL, found in the Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\msdev98\bin\ide directory.


The ScanForAvailableLanguages function requests that MFCAPWZ.DLL scan the Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\msdev98\bin\ide directory and store, in rLanguages, a descriptive string for each localized resource DLL found. Each entry in the list takes the following form:

language-name (APPWZ*.DLL-name);translation-identifier

For example:

"U.S. English (appwzenu.dll);0x040904e4"

The translation-identifier is identical to the value of the block header of the “StringFileInfo” block in a Version resource. It’s a DWORD represented in hexadecimal format, with a high word representing the language and a low word representing the character set (code page).

If ScanForAvailableLanguages returns FALSE, MFCAPWZ.DLL displays an error message in a message box. Retry and Cancel buttons allow flexible recovery from this error.

Your custom AppWizard will probably never call ScanForAvailableLanguages. CUSTMWZ.AWX does call ScanForAvailableLanguages to determine which languages the MFC AppWizard currently supports. CUSTMWZ.AWX uses the result to fill the language list for step 2.

See Also   AppWizard Language Support for Far East Languages, C Functions Exported by MFCAPWZ.DLL, $$SET_DEFAULT_LANG, SetSupportedLanguages, CCustomAppWiz::GetPlatforms, Language Loop Macros