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Internet Sample List

OverviewHow Do I

Visual C++ includes these Internet client sample programs:

  •    A dialog-based application that displays the contents of an FTP site in a tree control.

  •    Shows how to write an MFC console application that uses WININET.DLL to communicate with the Internet. This sample shows how to form an HTTP request using CHttpFile against CHttpConnection and CInternetSession objects.

Visual C++ includes these Internet server sample programs. The first three samples use the MFC ISAPI classes:

  •    Demonstrates an ISAPI filter that uses the filter functions OnSendRawData and  OnUrlMap to convert strings to uppercase.

  •    Demonstrates an ISAPI server extension DLL that uses an SQL Server database. The sample shows proper use of the parse map macros, the CHttpServer class, and thread-safe programming techniques.

  •    Demonstrates using an ISAPI server extension DLL to send image data (rather than HTML data) back to a Web browser.

  •    Demonstrates the use of MFC and its Windows Sockets (WinSock) classes in implementing a simple World Wide Web HTTP server.

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