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Country/Region Strings

The following is a list of country/regions strings recognized by setlocale. Strings for countries/regions that are not supported by the operating system are not accepted by setlocale. Three-letter country/region-name codes are from ISO/IEC (International Organization for Standardization, International Electrotechnical Commission) specification 3166.

Country/Region Country/Region String
Australia "aus" or "australia"
Austria "austria" or "aut"
Belgium "bel" or "belgium"
Brazil "bra" or "brazil"
Canada "can" or "canada"
Czech Republic "cze" or "czech"
Denmark "denmark" or "dnk"
Finland "fin" or "finland"
France "fra" or "france"
Germany "deu" or "germany"
Greece "grc" or "greece"
Hong Kong SAR "hkg", "hong kong", or "hong-kong"
Hungary "hun" or "hungary"
Iceland "iceland" or "isl"
Ireland "ireland" or "irl"
Italy "ita" or "italy"
Japan "japan" or "jpn"
Korea "kor", "korea"
Mexico "mex" or "mexico"
Netherlands "nld", "holland", or "netherlands"
New Zealand "new zealand", "new-zealand", "nz", or "nzl"
Norway "nor" or "norway"
People’s Republic of China "china", "chn", "pr china", or "pr-china"
Poland "pol" or "poland"
Portugal "prt" or "portugal"
Russia "rus" or "russia"
Singapore "sgp" or "singapore"
Slovak Repubic "svk" or "slovak"
Spain "esp" or "spain"
Sweden "swe" or "sweden"
Switzerland "che" or "switzerland"
Taiwan "taiwan" or "twn"
Turkey "tur" or "turkey"
United Kingdom "britain", "england", "gbr", "great britain", "uk", "united kingdom", or "united-kingdom"
United States of America "america", "united states", "united-states", "us", or "usa"