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Miscellaneous Macros

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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

Macro Type Description
DLGLOC_RC text This is always "DLGLOC.RC", and is used in an $$INCLUDE directive in the DLGALL.RC custom resource template.
HM_FILE text Used to make the .HLP file. Base name of the .HM file.
HM_FILE_OEM text Used to make the .HLP file. Base name of the .HM file translated to the OEM character set. Affects only upper ASCII characters in the project name (such as an umlauted character).
FILE_NAME_SYMBOL text Macros used at the top of header file templates to avoid multiple inclusions of the generated header file. For example, may of the headers have code such as #if !defined($$FILE_NAME_SYMBOL$$_INCLUDED_)


main template code goes here…

#endif // !defined($$FILE_NAME_SYMBOL$$_INCLUDED)

LANG_LIST_SUFFIXES text Comma-separated string containing a list of the three-letter abbreviations of all languages selected by the AppWizard user (for example, "ENU, FRA"). If an application supports only one language, the list is "".
LICENSED BOOL Adds a licensing step to a .lic file in an OCX.
LOC_RC text This is always "LOC.RC", and is used in an $$INCLUDE directive in the ALL.RC custom resource template.
MFCPath text Path on the AppWizard user’s computer where the MFC library resides.
YEAR text The current year (4 digits).

See Also   The Dictionary, CCustomAppwiz::ProcessTemplate, CCustomAppwiz::PostProcessTemplate, How Macros Get Their Values