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Other Visual Modeler Samples


Through several samples included with Visual Studio, you can learn more about Visual Modeler by using it in conjunction with tools or technologies you may already be familiar with.

The topics listed in the following table introduce sample applications that demonstrate Visual Modeler features.

Section Description
ADO: Models the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library Introduces a sample that shows how a client application uses ADO objects (represented by interface classes in the model) to access a database.
ENROLLVM: Demonstrates Modeling of a Visual C++ Application Introduces a sample that shows how to model and generate code for a Visual C++ application.
MTS: Models the Microsoft Transaction Server Application Introduces a sample that shows the design model of the Microsoft Transaction Server application. The sample's model shows how the application is divided into three tiers of services.
ORDERSYS: Demonstrates Round-Trip Engineering of a Visual Basic Application Introduces a sample that shows how to model and round-trip engineer a Visual Basic application.
RDO: Models the Remote Data Objects Framework Introduces a sample that shows how a client/server application uses RDO objects to access a database.