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Starting the Visual Studio Analyzer Server on Windows 95

Every time you want to connect remotely to a Windows 95 machine while using Visual Studio Analyzer, you must either start the Visual Studio Analyzer Server or make sure that the Visual Studio Analyzer Server is running on that machine. Once you start the Visual Studio Analyzer Server, it continues to run unless you explicitly stop it or exit from it. You must exit the Visual Studio Analyzer Server before you shut down the Windows 95 machine or you will experience problems during shutdown.

To start the Visual Studio Analyzer Server

  1. Click Start.

  2. Click Programs.

  3. Click Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0.

  4. Click Enterprise Features.

  5. Click Visual Studio Analyzer Server.

    The Visual Studio Analyzer Server starts and places an icon on the right side of the taskbar.

To stop or exit the Visual Studio Analyzer Server

  1. Right-click the Visual Studio Analyzer Server icon on the right side of the taskbar.

  2. Click Stop Service to stop the Visual Studio Analyzer Server (you can restart it later using the Start Service command).

  3. Click Exit to exit the Visual Studio Analyzer Server (required before shutting down your machine). Clicking Exit will also stop the service if it is currently running.

Instead of starting the Visual Studio Analyzer Server manually, you can add it to your Windows 95 Startup Folder so that it starts automatically. See your Windows 95 online help for information on how to do this; search for "startup folder." The executable name you want to add is vales.exe and it is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\ide\ide98\vales.exe if you installed into the default location.

****Note   ****In the unlikely event that your Visual Studio Analyzer Server hangs, you can stop it manually using the killlec.exe program, located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\Vs-Ent98\Vanalyzr. To use the killlec program, open a Command Prompt window and type the following:
