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Using the Sample Macros

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The Visual C++ Developer Studio includes sample macros that illustrate how to automate tasks by using VBScript and the Developer Studio object model. The samples are in MSDEV98\macros\Sample.dsm, which is in the Microsoft Visual Studio\Common directory.

The following table briefly describes some of the sample macros. For details about them, see Sample.dsm.

Macro name Purpose
AddRevisionMarks Adds comments to a macro file, describing the changes made to it.
CloseExceptActive Closes all editor windows except the current one.
CommentOut Comments out a selected block of text. The type of comments added depend on the file's extension. For example, if the file has the .cpp or .c extension, the macro adds /* and */ comments.
MultiplePaste Pastes whatever is on the Clipboard the number of times you specify.
ToggleCommentStyle Alternates between the /* and //" comment styles.