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**HRESULT Open( DBPROPSET ***pPropSet = NULL, LONG* pRowsAffected = NULL, bool bBind = true );

HRESULT Open( const CSession& session**, LPCTSTR** szCommand **= NULL, DBPROPSET ***pPropSet = NULL, LONG* pRowsAffected = NULL, REFGUID guidCommand = DBGUID_DEFAULT, bool bBind = true );

Return Value

A standard HRESULT.



[in/out] An array of DBPROPSET structures containing properties and values to be set. The properties specified in these structures must belong to the Rowset property group.


[in/out] A pointer to memory where the count of rows affected by a command is returned. If *pRowsAffected is NULL, no row count is returned. Otherwise, Open sets *pRowsAffected according to the following conditions:

If Then
The cParamSets element of pParams is greater than 1 *pRowsAffected represents the total number of rows affected by all of the parameter sets specified in the execution.
The number of affected rows is not available *pRowsAffected is set to –1.
The command does not update, delete, or insert rows *pRowsAffected is undefined.


[in] True if command is bound after being executed. Otherwise, false.


[in] The session in which to execute the command.


[in] The command to execute. Can be NULL when using CAccessor, in which case the command will be retrieved from the value passed to the DEFINE_COMMAND macro. See in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference for details.


[in] A GUID that specifies the syntax and general rules for the provider to use in parsing the command text. See and in the OLE DB Programmer's Reference for details.


Use the first version of this method when a command has already been created and you want to perform a single Prepare and multiple executions. The second version of the method takes a session, creates a command, and executes the command, binding any parameters as necessary.

CCommand OverviewClass Members