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The following project-oriented features are new for Visual C++ 6.0.

Command-Line Builds

The new MSDEV command allows you to build a Visual C++ project from the command line without first exporting a makefile (projname.mak) and running the NMAKE utility. See .

Dynamic Parsing (Dynamic Updating of ClassView)

When you type a new class, variable, or member function, Visual C++ updates ClassView and WizardBar to display the new items, without requiring you to save changes first.

"GoTo Dialog Editor" from ClassView and WizardBar

You can now jump directly to the Dialog editor from a class that implements the dialog box.

MIDL Options Page: Project Settings Dialog Box

There is new support for .idl files; you no longer have to use a custom build step. See .

"New Form" Command

The New Form command is new to Visual C++ 6.0. This command generates a form and is available from the Insert menu and from ClassView and WizardBar. This command is essentially a ClassWizard for CFormView (see ), CDialog, and the database view classes. Unlike the ClassWizard, the New Form command also creates a dialog box with all the appropriate options.

New HTML Resource Type

There is a new resource type: HTML. You can insert an HTML resource by choosing Resource from the Insert menu.

New Project Types: Extended Stored Procedures and Utility Project

There are two new project types available through AppWizard. The project type is for the Enterprise Edition and supports OLE DB. project types support projects that do not need a Link step in the build process.

Support for Environment Variables in the IDE

There is now support for in the IDE.

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