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SaveAll Method

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Applies to: Documents object

Saves all open documents in the collection.


object**.SaveAll (** [PromptUser] )



An expression that evaluates to a Documents object.


(Optional) A Variant that is a Boolean indicating whether to prompt the user to save changes. Possible values are:

  • True   Prompts the user to save changes. If the user chooses not to save changes, SaveAll returns the enum dsSaveStatus with the value dsSaveSucceeded; otherwise SaveAll returns dsSaveStatus with the value dsSaveCanceled.

  • False   Does not prompt the user (the default).

Return Values

The SaveAll method returns the enum dsSaveStatus, which has one of the following values:

  • dsSaveCanceled   Indicates that the user chose not to save changes to the document.

  • dsSaveSucceeded   Indicates that the user saved changes to the document.


The following example prompts the user to save the changes to each open document:

Documents.SaveAll (True)