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Replacing Text

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To replace text

  1. Move the insertion point to where you want to begin your search.

    The editor uses the location of the insertion point to select a default search string.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Replace.

  3. In the Find what text box, type the search text or a regular expression.

    Tip   Click the button to the right of the box to display a list of regular search expressions. When you select an expression from this list, the expression is substituted as the search text in the Find what text box. If you do use regular expressions, be sure the Regular expression check box is selected. You can also use the drop-down list to select from up to 16 previous search strings.

  4. In the Replace with text box, type the replacement text.

    Tip   Click the button to the right of the box to display a list of tagged expressions you can use as replacement text.

  5. Select any of the remaining Find options.

  6. Start the search by clicking the Find Next, Replace, or Replace All buttons.