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Printing a File

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With the Text editor, you can print selected text or a complete file. Text is printed in the default font for the printer if the default editor font is used. Otherwise, the text prints with the selected editor font, if that font is available on the printer.

You can customize your print jobs by adding headers and footers and by adjusting margins.

What do you want to do?

Print selected text

Print an entire file

Customize a print job

To print selected text

  1. Select the text you want to print.

  2. From the File menu, choose Print.

    The Print dialog box appears. Under Print Range, the Selection option is automatically selected for you.

  3. Click OK.

To print an entire file

  1. Move the focus to the source file you want to print.

  2. From the File menu, choose Print.

    The Print dialog box appears. Under Print Range, the All option is automatically selected for you.

  3. Click OK.

To customize a print job

  1. From the File menu, choose Page Setup.

  2. In the Header and Footer boxes, type header or footer text, print control codes, or both.

    Use the right arrow to display a menu that enables you to insert control codes into the text box. You can enter separate alignment options for Filename, Page Number, Current Time, and Current Date. Always enter the alignment option first, then the data. For example:


    specifies that the filename (&F) be left-aligned (&L) and that the page number (&P) be center-aligned (&C).

    For more information, see Print Control Codes.

  3. Under Margins, type the left, right, top, and bottom measurements.

  4. Click OK.