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Overview: HTML Resource

Home Page (HTML Resource) | How Do I ... Topics

An HTML resource is an HTML file that is stored and compiled as part of your resource script. When you create a new HTML resource, Visual C++ includes it in the resource script of the active project, providing you with easy access to the HTML page and simplifying distribution of your application.

The HTML resource was created to support the class; however, you can insert it into any project just as you would any other Windows resource. With the HTML resource, you can:

  • Create a Web page using the Text editor's syntax coloring for HTML tags.

  • Preview the Web page as you develop it.

  • Display the Web page as the default ("home page") in your .

For information about common resource editing procedures such as creating new resources, opening existing resources, and deleting resources, see Resource Editors How Do I ... Topics.

What do you want to know more about?

Syntax coloring

What do you want to do?

Create a new HTML resource

Import an existing HTML file as a resource

Preview the HTML resource

Set syntax coloring for a custom HTML variation

Open my HTML page as the default in my Web browser application