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Macros for Custom Build Commands

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You can use the File and Directory drop-down lists to insert any of the following directory and filename macros in either grid at the current insertion point location. The File and Directory drop-down lists are on the Custom Build tab of the Project Settings dialog box (the Settings command on the Build menu).

Label Macro Description
Intermediate $(IntDir) Path to the directory specified for intermediate files, relative to the project directory.
Output $(OutDir) Path to the directory specified for output files, relative to the project directory.
Target $(TargetDir) Fully qualified path to the directory specified to output files.
Input $(InputDir) Relative path to the project directory.
Project $(ProjDir) Fully qualified path to the project directory.
Workspace $(WkspDir) Fully qualified path to the project directory.
Microsoft Developer $(MSDevDir) Fully qualified path to the installation directory for Microsoft Visual C++.
Remote Target $(RemoteDir) Fully qualified path to the remote output file.
Target Path $(TargetPath) Fully qualified name for the project output file.
Target Name $(TargetName) Base name for the output file.
Input Path $(InputPath) Fully qualified name for the input file.
Input Name $(InputName) Base name for the input file.
Workspace Name $(WkspName) Name of the project workspace.
Remote Target Path $(RemoteTargetPath) Fully qualified name for the remote output file.

During a build, the input macros are set in turn to each file that you have selected for each configuration that you have selected, if you have made multiple selections.

What do you want to know more about?

Customizing a build process

What do you want to do?

Specify custom build tools