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Creating or Deleting Classes and Functions

OverviewHow Do I

WizardBar performs some of the tasks that ClassWizard does, as well as some that ClassWizard does not, such as creating a new form. You access the functionality described below from the Action menu, which opens when you click the down arrow at the right end of the WizardBar.

Add Windows Message Handler

Selecting this action adds a Windows message handler function to the selected class.

For details on how to add a Windows message handler, see Adding a Message Handler.

Add Virtual Function Override

Selecting this action adds to the selected class a new member function that overrides one of the MFC virtual functions.

For details on how to add a virtual function override, see Overriding a Virtual Function.

Add Member Function

Selecting this action adds a new member function to the selected class.

For details on how to add a member function, see Adding a Member Function.

Delete Member Function

Selecting this action removes the member function declaration and comments out the function body, if one exists. It also removes associated entries in the MSG, MESSAGE and DISPATCH maps.

For details on how to remove a member function, see Deleting a Member Function.

New Class

Selecting this action creates a new MFC, ATL, or generic class. The New Class dialog box appears, in which you specify the class name and the base class. It creates a header file and an implementation file for the class.

For details on how to add a class, see Adding a Class.

New Form

Selecting this action creates a new form, and, for applications based on the document/view architecture, an associated document template. The New Form dialog box appears, in which you specify the form name and base view class, as well as any document template information.

For details on how to add a form, see .