VBScript Engine Events for Visual Studio Analyzer
The VBScript Engine version 3.0 is capable of generating Visual Studio Analyzer events. You can use these events to trace script code within your application.
Other Microsoft-supplied technologies are also capable of generating Visual Studio Analyzer events; see Microsoft Components That Generate Visual Studio Analyzer Events for a complete list.
Visual Studio Analyzer Events Generated by the VBScript Engine
Event | Event description | Event data |
ScriptAdviseCallInStart ScriptAdviseCallInStop |
This event set marks the amount of time the script engine spent executing an external call to an event handler defined in the script; that is, a call into the engine through a previously set up IConnectionPoint::Advise method. | None. |
ScriptDispatchCallInStart ScriptDispatchCallInStop |
This event set marks the amount of time the script engine spent executing an external call to an event handler defined in the script; that is, a call into the engine through IDispatch. | None. |
ScriptGlobalStart ScriptGlobalStop |
This event set marks the amount of time spent by the script engine executing the script's global code. Global code is defined as those statements of code in the script that are not contained within a function or subroutine declaration, although the code can contain calls to declared functions and subroutines. Global code is executed only once, upon the initial load of the script into the script engine. | None. |