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ODBC Driver Manager Events for Visual Studio Analyzer


The ODBC Driver Manager is capable of generating Visual Studio Analyzer events. You can use these events to trace Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) activity within your application.

Other Microsoft-supplied technologies are also capable of generating Visual Studio Analyzer events; see Microsoft Components That Generate Visual Studio Analyzer Events for a complete list.

You must configure ODBC to generate Visual Studio Analyzer events before you can view any of the events it generates.

To configure ODBC to generate Visual Studio Analyzer events

  1. Click Start.

  2. Point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

  3. Start the ODBC applet.

  4. Click the Tracing tab.

  5. Click Start Visual Studio Analyzer Tracing.

  6. Click OK.

Visual Studio Analyzer Events Generated by the ODBC Driver Manager

Event Description
Call Generated on every ODBC API entry.
ReturnException Generated on every ODBC API return if the return code is SQL_ERROR.
ReturnNormal Generated on every ODBC API return if the return code is not SQL_ERROR.
Connection Start Indicates that a connection started; generated when the ODBC Driver Manager calls the driver's connection APIs.
Connection Complete Indicates that a connection completed; generated when the driver's connection APIs return to the ODBC Driver Manager.
Disconnect Start Generated when the ODBC Driver Manager calls the driver's SQLDisconnect function.
Disconnect Complete Generated when the driver's SQLDisconnect function returns to the ODBC Driver Manager.
QuerySend Generated when the ODBC Driver Manager calls the driver's SQLPrepare, SQLExecute, SQLExecDirect, and catalog functions such as SQLTables and SQLColumns.
QueryResult Generated when the driver returns a resultset to the ODBC Driver Manager for functions involving queries.
TransactionStart Generated when an application sets the value of SQL_ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT to SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF, or after an application successfully calls SQLEndTran.
TransactionCommit Generated when an application calls SQLEndTran to commit a local transaction.
TransactionRollback Generated when an application calls SQLEndTran to roll back a local transaction.
JoinDTC Generated when an application joins the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC).
LeaveDTC Generated when an application leaves the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC).