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ADO Events for Visual Studio Analyzer


ADO version 2.0 is capable of generating Visual Studio Analyzer events. You can use these events to trace ADO interactions in your distributed applications.

Other Microsoft-supplied technologies are also capable of generating Visual Studio Analyzer events; see Microsoft Components That Generate Visual Studio Analyzer Events for a complete list.

Visual Studio Analyzer Events Generated by ADO

Event Event description Event data
ConnectionClose Indicates that ADO is disconnecting from an OLE DB data source. None.
ConnectionOpen Indicates that ADO is connecting to an OLE DB data source. The connection string used to connect to the data source, if the client provides it.
Find Indicates that an ADO client has called the ADO Recordset.Find function. Criteria for the Find operation; records are matched against this criteria.
GetRows Indicates that an ADO client has called the ADO Recordset.GetRows function. Number of rows being fetched.
QueryResult Indicates that the database has returned a resultset in response to a query. None.
QuerySend Indicates that ADO is executing a command. This event can be triggered by the following functions:

Connection.stored procedure name

The SQL statements that comprise the query.
RecordsetOpen Indicates that ADO is opening a recordset on a remote server. Applies to three-tier scenarios only. The source (typically the row-returning command text) with which the recordset is opened.
Sort Indicates that ADO is prepared to filter or sort the data. Sort or filter criteria being applied to the recordset data.
Transaction Rollback Indicates that ADO is aborting the current local transaction. Returns true or false. If true, the abort is retaining, meaning that another transaction will be started right after this one aborts. If false, the abort is not retaining.
TransactionCommit Indicates that ADO is committing a local transaction on the OLE DB provider. Returns true or false. If true, the commit is retaining, meaning that another transaction will be started right after this one commits. If false, the commit is not retaining.
TransactionStart Indicates that ADO is beginning a local transaction on the OLE DB provider. Isolation level at which ADO is starting the transaction. The isolation level indicates which level of changes made by other transactions can be seen.
UpdateBatch Indicates that ADO is sending an update batch to the provider. Applies to three-tier scenarios only. The name of the remote server, if any, to which ADO is sending the updates.