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IRowsetImpl Class Members


IRowsetImpl The constructor. Not called directly by user.
RefRows Called by AddRefRows and ReleaseRows. Not called directly by user.
CreateRow Called by GetNextRows to allocate a new HROW. Not called directly by user.
AddRefRows Adds a reference count to an existing row handle.
GetData Retrieves data from the rowset's copy of the row.
GetNextRows Fetches rows sequentially, remembering the previous position.
ReleaseRows Releases rows.
RestartPosition Repositions the next fetch position to its initial position; that is, its position when the rowset was first created.

Data Members

m_bReset Indicates whether a provider has reset its cursor position. This has special meaning when scrolling backwards or fetching backwards in GetNextRows.
m_bCanFetchBack Indicates whether a provider supports backward fetching.
m_bCanScrollBack Indicates whether a provider can have its cursor scroll backwards.
m_iRowset An index to the rowset, representing the cursor.
m_rgRowHandles A list of row handles.

IRowsetImpl Overview