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Adding a Project to Source-Code Control

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You can add a project to your source-code control system any time after you have created it.

Note   Before you can add any files to source-code control, you must complete any administrative tasks required by your source-code control system, using the administrative program supplied by your system. This may include adding users or creating a source-code control project database, for instance.

To add a project to source-code control

  1. Select an existing project in the FileView pane.

  2. From the Project menu, choose Source Control, and from the drop-down menu, choose Add To Source Control.

    The installed source-code control displays one or more dialog boxes, requesting source-code control project information.

  3. Specify the information required by the installed source-code control system.

    The Add To Source Control dialog box appears, with files in the project workspace selected.

  4. If you want to add the files to source-code control, but immediately check them out, select the Keep Checked Out check box.

  5. In the Comment text box, type a comment about the files, if you want.

    Note   If your source-code control system supports additional options, an Advanced button appears on the Add To Source Control dialog box, and you can select those options at this point.

  6. Click OK.