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About Toolbars

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When you first start Visual C++ in its default configuration, the Standard toolbar appears just below the Menu Bar. As you open the various editors, other toolbars appear automatically.

Depending on your workspace preferences, and the size of your screen, you can display as many toolbars as you want, or none at all. You can resize a toolbar, add a menu to a toolbar, enlarge the buttons on a toolbar, and move the toolbars to different locations to suit your needs.

The Menu Bar is a special toolbar at the top of the screen that contains menus such as File, Edit, and Build. The only differences between the Menu Bar and other toolbars are:

  • The Menu Bar always fills a complete row when docked horizontally.

  • You cannot hide the Menu Bar, except in full-screen mode.

    When you are working with a document in full-screen mode, the Menu Bar is not displayed. You still have access to the menus by using keyboard shortcuts.

Note   The information about toolbars in this Visual C++ User’s Guide applies to the Visual C++ toolbars, but not to other toolbars that may be displayed. For example, when you open a Word document in Visual C++, the Word toolbars are available and they function exactly as in a Word application window. The Visual C++ toolbars are not available when you are using Word, Excel, or other document software inside Visual C++ to work with various documents in your project. For information about other toolbars, refer to the documentation for the other software.

What do you want to do?

Learn toolbar basics

Dock or float a toolbar

Learn how to customize a toolbar

Work in full-screen mode