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About Automatic Statement Completion

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The Visual C++ Text editor uses IntelliSense® to make writing your code easier and more error-free. IntelliSense options include Statement Completion, which provides quick access to valid member functions or variables, including globals, via the Members list (as shown below). Selecting from the list inserts the member into your code.

You can also use IntelliSense to view code comments, function declarations, and variable type information. The Complete Word option (available from the Edit menu) finishes typing your functions and variables for you, or displays a list of candidates if what you've typed has more than one possible match.

Visual C++ IntelliSense options appear by default. You can turn them off if you prefer to invoke them explicitly via a menu command or keystroke combination.

What do you want to know more about?

Overview of IntelliSense options

When the IntelliSense options are unavailable

What do you want to do?

View the Members list

View the parameter list for a function

View the variable type

View code comments

View globals

Automatically complete a variable or function name

Modify IntelliSense Options