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template <class T**, class** BindType = ATLBINDINGS, class BindingVector = CSimpleMap < int, BindType*** > >**

class ATL_NO_VTABLE IAccessorImpl : public IAccessorImplBase<BindType>



Your rowset or command object class.


Storage unit for binding information.


Storage unit for column information.


This is mandatory on rowsets and commands. Provides an implementation of the interface. OLE DB requires providers to implement an HACCESSOR, which is a tag to an array of structures. HACCESSORs provided by IAccessorImpl are addresses of the BindType structures. By default, BindType is defined as an ATLBINDINGS in IAccessorImpl’s template definition. BindType provides a mechanism used by IAccessorImpl to track the number of elements in its DBBINDING array as well as a reference count and accessor flags.

#include <atldb.h>

Class Members

See Also

Using the OLE DB Provider Templates, The OLE DB Provider Architecture