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How Do I Override a Dynamic Accessor?

When you use CDynamicAccessor, the command Open method creates an accessor for you automatically, based on the column information of the opened rowset. You can override the dynamic accessor to control exactly how the columns are bound.

To override the dynamic accessor, pass false as the last parameter to the CCommand::Open method. This prevents Open from creating an accessor automatically. You can then call GetColumnInfo and call AddBindEntry for each column you want to bind. The following code shows how to do it:

double   dblProductID;

CCommand<CDynamicAccessor> product;
// Open the table, passing false to prevent automatic binding
product.Open(session, _T("Select * FROM Products"), NULL, NULL, DBGUID_DEFAULT, false);

ULONG         nColumns;
DBCOLUMNINFO*   pColumnInfo;
// Get the column information from the opened rowset
product.GetColumnInfo(&nColumns, &pColumnInfo);

// Bind the product ID as a double
pColumnInfo[0].wType          = DBTYPE_R8;
pColumnInfo[0].ulColumnSize = 8;

// Bind the product name as it is

// Bind the reorder level as a string
pColumnInfo[8].wType          = DBTYPE_STR;
pColumnInfo[8].ulColumnSize = 10;

// We've finished specifying the bindings. Go ahead and bind
// Free the memory for the column information that we retrieved in
// previous call to GetColumnInfo

char*   pszProductName;
char*   pszReorderLevel;
bool   bRC;

// Loop through the records tracing out the information.
while (product.MoveNext() == S_OK)
   bRC = product.GetValue(1, &dblProductID);
   pszProductName   = (char*)product.GetValue(2);
   pszReorderLevel  = (char*)product.GetValue(9);

   ATLTRACE(_T("Override = %lf \"%s\" \"%s\"\n"), dblProductID,
      A2T(pszProductName), A2T(pszReorderLevel));