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<value> (JavaScript)


This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Specifies documentation information for get and set functions for ECMAScript 3 properties.


<value type="ValueType" integer="true|false"
    domElement="true|false" mayBeNull="true|false"
    elementType="ArrayElementType" elementInteger="true|false"
    elementDomElement="true|false" elementMayBeNull="true|false"


type Optional. The data type of the property. The type can be one of the following:

  • An ECMAScript language type that's in the ECMAScript 5 specification, such as Number and Object.

  • A DOM object, such as HTMLElement, Window, and Document.

  • A JavaScript constructor function.

    integer Optional. If type is Number, specifies whether the property is an integer. Set to true to indicate that the property is an integer; otherwise, set to false. This attribute is not used by Visual Studio to provide IntelliSense information.

    domElement Optional. This attribute is deprecated; the type attribute takes precedence over this attribute. This attribute specifies whether the documented property is a DOM element. Set to true to specify that the property is a DOM element; otherwise, set to false. If the type attribute is not set and domElement is set to true, IntelliSense treats the documented property as an HTMLElement when performing statement completion.

    mayBeNull Optional. Specifies whether the documented property can be set to null. Set to true to indicate that the property can be set to null; otherwise, set to false. The default value is false. This attribute is not used by Visual Studio to provide IntelliSense information.

    elementType Optional. If type is Array, this attribute specifies the type of the elements in the array.

    elementInteger Optional. If type is Array and elementType is Number, this attribute specifies whether the elements in the array are integers. Set to true to indicate that the elements in the array are integers; otherwise, set to false. This attribute is not used by Visual Studio to provide IntelliSense information.

    elementDomElement Optional. This attribute is deprecated; the elementType attribute takes precedence over this attribute. If type is Array, this attribute specifies whether the elements in the array are DOM elements. Set to true to specify that the elements are DOM elements; otherwise, set to false. If the elementType attribute is not set and elementDomElement is set to true, IntelliSense treats each element in the array as an HTMLElement when performing statement completion.

    elementMayBeNull Optional. If type is Array, specifies whether the elements in the array can be set to null. Set to true to indicate that the elements in the array can be set to null; otherwise, set to false. The default value is false. This attribute is not used by Visual Studio to provide IntelliSense information.

    locid Optional. The identifier for localization information about the property. The identifier is either a member ID or it corresponds to the name attribute value in a message bundle defined by OpenAjax metadata. The identifier type depends on the format specified in the <loc> element.

    description Optional. A description of the property.


ECMAScript 5 properties use the <summary> element.

Use the <value> element immediately before the get or set function.


The following code example shows how to use the <value> element on a get function.

function Sys$CancelEventArgs$get_cancel() {
    /// <value type="Boolean" locid="P:J#Sys.CancelEventArgs.cancel"></value>
    if (arguments.length !== 0) throw Error.parameterCount();
    return this._cancel();

See Also

XML Documentation Comments