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__VSSPROPID5 Enumeration

Specifies additional shell property settings for the environment.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0.dll)


Public Enumeration __VSSPROPID5
public enum __VSSPROPID5
public enum class __VSSPROPID5
public enum __VSSPROPID5


Member name Description
VSSPROPID_AppBrandName BSTR. The localized full brand name of the application, including SKU information. For example: "Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 RC" or "Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 RC for Windows 8".BSTR. A short version of VSSPROPID_AppBrandName, less than 32 chars. For example: "VS Pro 2012 RC" or "VS Express 2012 RC for Win8" or "VSX 2012 RC for Web".
VSSPROPID_AppShortBrandName BSTR. A short version of VSSPROPID_AppBrandName, less than 32 chars. For example: "VS Pro 2012 RC" or "VS Express 2012 RC for Win8" or "VSX 2012 RC for Web".
VSSPROPID_EnablePreviewTab Indicates if the preview tab enabled (default true).
VSSPROPID_FIRST5 Flag indicating the first property identifier in this group of identifiers.
VSSPROPID_LastActiveInputTick The last recorded tick value for a user input message. In order to avoid noise, property change events are not raised for VSSPROPID_LastActiveInputTick.
VSSPROPID_NativeScrollbarThemeModePropName BSTR, Read-only. The string to be used with ::SetProp/::RemoveProp to control theming of native scrollbars. When calling ::SetProp, the property value provided should be one of the values in the __VSNativeScrollbarThemeMode enumeration.
VSSPROPID_PreviewFileSizeLimit UI8, Read-Only. Used when implementing single-click preview. This the maximum size (in bytes) of a file that should be single-click previewed; files larger than this limit should not be single-click previewed.
VSSPROPID_ProvisionalDelayMilliseconds The number of milliseconds to wait before previewing a selected item. Used when implementing single-click preview. This property is read only.
VSSPROPID_ReleaseDescription The branding for this release (for example, CTP, Beta, RTM, and so on). This property is read only.
VSSPROPID_ReleaseVersion The build version of the release and the branch, machine, and user information used to build it (for example, "10.0.30319.01 RTMRel" or "10.0.30128.1 BRANCHNAME(COMPUTERNAME-USERNAME)"). This is the same as the release string shown in Help/About.
VSSPROPID_SKUInfo BSTR. A localized text describing the current SKU (name, year, release type, etc). For example: "Ultimate 2012 RC" or "Express 2012 RC for Web".

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace