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IVsUIShell6 Interface

Provides shell functionality.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.12.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.12.0.dll)


<InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _
<GuidAttribute("7033D7ED-0E98-4C91-9881-1DD84891D378")> _
Public Interface IVsUIShell6 _
    Inherits IVsUIShell5
public interface IVsUIShell6 : IVsUIShell5
public interface class IVsUIShell6 : IVsUIShell5
type IVsUIShell6 =  
        interface IVsUIShell5 
public interface IVsUIShell6 extends IVsUIShell5

The IVsUIShell6 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CreateThemedImageList Creates a themed image list. Themed image lists attempt to transform the images to target a given background. The caller is responsible for calling ImageList_Destroy to delete the imagelist. HANDLE represents an HIMAGELIST, but including commctrl.h can produce build issues for projects that would not otherwise support common controls.
Public method EnumKeyBindingScopes Retrieves a collection of the available key binding scopes.
Public method GetKeyBindingScope Retrieves the name of a key binding scope.
Public method GetOpenFileNameViaDlgEx2 Brings up the File Open dialog box to obtain a specified open file.
Public method GetThemedColor Gets the current RGBA value of a themed color. This method fails if the color does not exist.
Public method SetFixedThemeColors For a window previously themed by calling ThemeWindow, ensures that the window uses only colors from a fixed VS-theme, that are suitable when the themed window is displayed as child of an unthemed window (e.g. in a dialog), such that the themed window doesn't look 'out-of-place'. Other visual characteristics of the theme are kept (e.g. expander shapes in treeview, lines, control styles, etc), just the window's colors won't change when the appid theme is changed. This function should be called for themed controls that are children of unthemed dialogs.
Public method ThemeDIBits(UInt32, array<Byte[], UInt32, UInt32, Boolean, UInt32) (Inherited from IVsUIShell5.)
Public method ThemeDIBits(UInt32, Byte%, UInt32, UInt32, Boolean, UInt32) Applies theming to BGRA32 device-independent bitmap bits. The luminosity of the image is transformed so that the constant "halo" luminosity blends in with the background. This has the effect of eliminating the halo visually. The "halo" luminosity is an immutable constant, and is not calculated from the input image. Images which contain cyan (#00FFFF) in their top-right pixel are not inverted. Instead, the top-right pixel is cleared (RGBA are all set to 0) and S_OK is returned without otherwise modifying the image.
Public method ThemeWindow Apply the VS-theme to the specified window, for supported window classes.


See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace