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Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Server Namespace


  Class Description
Public class AcceptMergeNamespaceConflictRequiresDestinationException
Public class AcceptMergeVersionConflictRequiresDestinationException Thrown when the server cannot determine the target location of an accept merge operation for the user and they did not specify one.
Public class AcceptYoursRenameTheirsRequiresDestinationException Thrown when the user tried to resolve a namespace conflict with AcceptYoursRenameTheirs without a destination.
Public class AccessEntry Publically facing description of an ACL entry (permission).
Public class Admin
Public class AdminRepositoryInfo Data structure returned by the QueryRepositoryInformation method.
Public class Annotation The Annotation class represents name/value pairs and couples that with optional resourceID, and versioning values. Annotations are used to store application defined name/value pairs -- that is, the application applies the semantic to the values. This class is created for each name/value pair that is read from the database.
Public class ArtifactIdentifierRequiredException This exception is thrown when an artifact url is requested and the artifactMoniker parameter is either missing or empty.
Public class ArtifactProvider Base class for ArtifactProviders.
Public class AuthorizationException
Public class AutoMergeDisallowedException Thrown when an auto-merge is tried on a conflict for which auto-merge is not permitted
Public class BadChecksumException Thrown when a file checksum does not match
Public class BaseItemSet<T> Class representing the results of a QueryItem operation
Public class BaseLocalVersionUpdate Base class for local version update.
Public class BranchObject Represents a first class branch object on the server.
Public class BranchObjectOwnership A summary class used to return branch root information from the server
Public class BranchProperties Container class for all the updateable properties of a branch object.
Public class BranchRelative Class representing one row from QueryBranches.
Public class BranchSourceNotCommittedException Thrown when a client tries to branch from an item that hasn't been committed at least one time. That is undelete | add | branch.
Public class CannotBranchDestroyedContentException The user cannot branch a file that has been destroyed with /keephistory.
Public class CannotChangeRootFolderException When the client attempts to pend any kind of change against the root item this exception is thrown.
Public class CannotChangeWorkspaceOwnerException
Public class CannotCheckinAllWithEditException This exception is thrown when a user calls checkin all, and has edits in their workspace
Public class CannotCheckinDependantRenameException Cannot checkin rename to item {0} without checking in item {1}
Public class CannotCheckinPartialUndeleteException
Public class CannotCheckinRenameAsPendingAddConflictsException
Public class CannotCheckinRenameDueToChildConflictException Thrown when the checkin of a rename fails because one of its children has an existing conflict.
Public class CannotCreateFilesInRootException
Public class CannotCreateNewUserDuringCheckinException This exception is thrown when, during checkin, we try to create a new user and it fails
Public class CannotCreateParentFolderException
Public class CannotDeleteTeamProjectFolderException
Public class CannotDestroyRootException This exception is thrown when the user tries to destroy $/.
Public class CannotFindLatestChangesetException
Public class CannotLockException Thrown when a user attempts to lock an item for checkout and the item is already checked out.
Public class CannotMergeDestroyedFileException The user cannot merge/unshelve a file that was completely destroyed.
Public class CannotMergeUnderSourceException
Public class CannotMergeWithExistingConflictException
Public class CannotMergeWithWorkspaceSpecAndPendingDeleteException This is thrown by Merge when there is a pending delete underneath the source of the merge.
Public class CannotMoveToRootException
Public class CannotPendChangeOnDestroyedFileException The user cannot pend an edit on a file that has been destroyed with /keephistory.
Public class CannotPendEditOnDeletedFileWithGetLatestException The user cannot pend an edit on an item when GetLatest is on and the tip version has been deleted.
Public class CannotPendEditOnRenamedFileWithGetLatestException The user cannot pend an edit on an item when GetLatest is on and the tip version has been renamed to a different server path than the workspace version's server path.
Public class CannotRenameBackToOriginalSourceException Thrown if an item is renamed away from itself, and then back to itself.
Public class CannotRenameDueToChildConflictException Thrown when a rename fails because one of its children has an existing conflict.
Public class CannotResolveAcceptMergeWithNonexistentVersionException Thrown when a conflict with a sync back to a version where the path does not exist, is tried to be resolved as accept merge.
Public class CannotResolveBecauseShelvesetDeletedException Thrown when a shelveset conflict is being resolved as automerge or taketheirs and the shelveset has been deleted.
Public class CannotResolveConflictAsAutoMerge
Public class CannotResolveDeletedItemWithAcceptMergeException Thrown when Resolve notices a get conflict that wants to set the undelete bit on. This cannot be done because of undeletes all or nothing behavior.
Public class CannotResolveDueToRenameAndDelete Thrown when a shelveset conflict is being resolved as automerge or acceptYoursRenameTheirs and the rename will affect and item that has a pending delete.
Public class CannotResolveToPartialUndeleteException Thrown when Resolve notices a get conflict that wants to set the undelete bit on. This cannot be done because of undeletes all or nothing behavior.
Public class CannotSetMappingOnRenameException
Public class CannotShelvePartialUndeleteException This exception is thrown when the user tries to shelve an implicit undelete, but not the root of the DeletionId.
Public class CannotSpecifyNewNameException Thrown when the user attempts to specify a new name but it is not allowed.
Public class CannotTakeCheckoutLockInLocalWorkspaceException Thrown when a caller attempts to take a checkout lock in a local workspace
Public class CannotUndeleteTeamProjectFolderException
Public class CannotUndoItemExistingLockConflictsException Thrown in an interesting case when there is an additive namespace operation being undone and another user holds a lock on the resulting path.
Public class CannotUndoRenameDueToChildConflictException Thrown when the undo of a rename fails because one of its children has an existing conflict.
Public class CannotUnlockException Thrown when the user attempts to unlock an item that does not allow for multiple checkout.
Public class Change This represents and individual change to an item.
Public class ChangeAlreadyPendingException
Public class ChangeRequest Object representing a request from the client to pend changes to an item or item wildcard characters.
Public class Changeset Represents a changeset as returned by the QueryHistory command
Public class ChangesetArtifactProvider
Public class ChangesetAuthorMustBeNonGroupException
Public class ChangesetChangeTypeSummary Represents a summary of change types in a changeset returned by the QuerySummaryForChangeset command.
Public class ChangesetMerge Represents a merge of one changeset into another
Public class ChangesetMergeDetails
Public class ChangesetNotFoundException
Public class ChangeSetOwner Contains information about an owner of one or more changesets
Public class ChangesetSummary Contains the information needed for a single changeset / item involved in a merge.
Public class ChangesetVersionSpec Specifies a version based on a changeset number.
Public class CheckinNote A checkin note class is used to hold the data that represents an instance of a checkin note.
Public class CheckinNoteFieldDefinition A field definition is used to define how a given named input is treated when it is applied to a given checkin note. These are not versioned and can change over time, which allows the definition and the data to become out of sync with each other. The definition is used at the time the check-in note is generated.
Public class CheckinNoteFieldValue The CheckinNoteFieldValue is an instance of a field that has its value in a single checkin note instance. A checkin note uses a series of field values to represent its data.
Public class CheckinNotification
Public class CheckinNotificationInfo Information for the checkin notification service.
Public class CheckinNotificationWorkItemInfo The information for each work item associated with the checkin.
Public class CheckinResult This represents the result of a call to the checkin method
Public class CheckoutLockRequiredException Thrown when a try is made to get a checkin lock when multiple checkout is disabled.
Public class CheckoutLocksDisabledException Thrown when a caller attempts to take a checkout lock and checkout locks are disabled.
Public class CodeChurnCompletedNotification
Public class Conflict
Public class ConflictInformation
Public class ContentNotUploadedException Thrown on shelve or checkin when we find that content was not fully uploaded.
Public class ContentRequiredException
Public class CouldNotAddProxyException
Public class CouldNotDeleteProxyException
Public class CreateBranchObjectException
Public class DateVersionSpec Specifies a version based on a date/time stamp.
Public class DateVersionSpecBeforeBeginningOfRepositoryException Thrown from prc_FindChangesetByDate and prc_iParseVersionSpec when a date is passed in thats before the start of the repository.
Public class DestroyedContentUnavailableException This exception is thrown from the DownloadHandler if the FileId was the destroyed item FileId.
Public class DestroyNotification
Public class DeterminedItem
Public class DownloadHandler
Public class DuplicateChangeException
Public class DuplicateCheckinNoteFieldException Thrown when the user attempts to specify the same checkin note field more than one time e.g. 'h checkin file.txt /notes:"reviewer=me";"reviewer=you"
Public class DuplicateExtensionException This extension is fired when an extension is associated with more than one filetype. Extensions must only appear one time in the complete set of extensions during a call to SetFileTypes.
Public class DuplicateFileTypeException This is thrown when the client attempts to update the set of filetypes and supplies the same filetype more than one time in the set of filetypes passed to the SetFileTypes call.
Public class DuplicateItemFoundException Thrown when the same item is specified more than one time at different versions.
Public class DuplicateItemsInCheckInRequestException This exception is thrown when items are repeated in a check-in. this can occur in single checkin request or when you perform paged checkins when the a given item is present in more than one checkin page request.
Public class DuplicateServerItemException
Public class DuplicateWorkingFolderException
Public class EmptyCheckInException This exception is thrown when checkin xml argument passed to prc_Checkin is empty.
Public class ExistingParentFileException
Public class ExpandedChange Internal class that represents a single change to be pended. Each ChangeRequest produces 0 or more of these. Most of the relevant fields are in the change request, to which is reference is stored here. This class contains fields specific to each file. We used to create copies of the ChangeRequest for each file, but creating ExpandedChanges is cheaper because not all fields are copied.
Public class ExtendedItem
Public class ExtendedMerge Class representing a merge of an item.
Public class Failure The Failure object contains much of the same information as an exception but is not derived from Exception and is now throwable. Commands that operate on a collection of items, each of which may succeed or fail independently of the others will return an array of Failure objects representing the items that had trouble. The Failure object also contains fields that describe the context in which the error occurred. A smart client may use these to decide about how to handle the error. Irrelevant information remains null and will not be sent as part of the SOAP reply.
Public class FeatureNotSupportedException
Public class FileIdNotFoundException Thrown by download when a bad file ID is passed.
Public class FileType This class is used to configure per-file name extension settings in the version control system.
Public class FolderContentException
Public class FolderEditException This exception is thrown when the user explicitly names a folder for checkout, or specifies a wildcard that matches a folder name.
Public class FutureDateException This is thrown if the user specifies a date that is later than the current date.
Public class GenericDatabaseUpdateErrorException
Public class GenericException Used by the data tier to send a custom error message back to the client
Public class GetLatestOnCheckoutDisabledException
Public class GetOperation An entry in the "to do" list that Get returns to the client. Each instance of this class represents an item that needs something done on the client.
Public class GetRequest Object passed by the client to request a "Get" operation
Public class GlobalSecurity Describes the global security settings. This structure is only used to return security information to the client. It is not used internally.
Public class IdenticalPathsDueToCollationException
Public class IdentityDeletedException
Public class IdentityNotFoundException
Public class IllegalCommentException
Public class IllegalComputerNameException
Public class IllegalFieldNameException Thrown when a release note field exceeds its maximum length
Public class IllegalIdentityException
Public class IllegalLabelNameException Thrown when a label call is passed a label name that is too long or contains unauthorized characters
Public class IllegalPolicyNameException Thrown when a policy name exceeds its maximum length
Public class IllegalServerItemException
Public class IllegalShelvesetException
Public class IllegalShelvesetOwnerException
Public class IllegalUrlException Thrown when a URL that contains unauthorized characters or too long is encountered.
Public class IllegalVersionException
Public class IllegalWorkspaceException
Public class IncompatibleChangeException You have tried to pend a change to an item that already has changes pending which are incompatible with your new change.
Public class IncompatibleCompressionFormatException Thrown when a compressed file is not in a supported compression format.
Public class IncompletePendingChangeException Thrown when the client tries to check in a change that was unshelved or merged but never acknowledged using UpdateLocalVersion.
Public class IncompleteUploadException Thrown when the client uploads the last chunk of a file, but some of the previous chunks are not there. It is also thrown when the uploaded content is not fully received, because of slow network connection, for example.
Public class InconsistentRequestTypesException Repository.PendChanges requires that all ChangeRequests have identical RequestTypes. This exception is thrown when this is not the case.
Public class IncorrectSizeException Thrown when a file length does not match
Public class InheritanceChange Represents a change to an item's inheritance flag
Public class IntegrationInterface Encapsulate BIS interfaces: - BisDomain: Property from which the operational Bis domain is retrieved - BisGetArtifacts: Biz-logic for BIS-defined GetArtifacts() webmethod - BulkFilter: Biz-logic for version control plugin used by BIS for security filtering
Public class InvalidAcceptYoursException Thrown when the user tried to resolve a namespace conflict with AcceptYours which is not allowed.
Public class InvalidAcceptYoursRenameTheirsException Thrown when the user tried to resolve a non-namespace conflict with AcceptYoursRenameTheirs which is not allowed.
Public class InvalidBranchCheckinOptionException This exception is thrown when a user calls checkin all, and has edits in their workspace.
Public class InvalidCheckinDateException Thrown when unshelve fails due to a parental delete
Public class InvalidCheckinTicketException
Public class InvalidConflictIdException Thrown when the client tries to resolve an invalid ConflictId.
Public class InvalidExtensionException Extensions must be a maximum of 260 characters and may not contain any of the NT file path invalid characters. If these conditions are not met this exception is thrown.
Public class InvalidFileIdException
Public class InvalidIdentityException
Public class InvalidProjectPendingChangeException
Public class InvalidResolutionException This exception is thrown when a conflict can only be resolved as AcceptServer.
Public class InvalidSqlDateException Thrown when a date is specified which is too early for Microsoft SQL Server to handle
Public class InvalidVersionSpecException This exception is thrown when a versionspec string could not be parsed successfully.
Public class InvalidVersionSpecForOperationException
Public class Item Represents an item as returned by the QueryItems command.
Public class ItemCloakedException
Public class ItemDeletedException When a client attempts to release a lock on an item, but does not have a lock this exception is thrown.
Public class ItemExistsException
Public class ItemIdentifier Class used to represent a given item at a given version.
Public class ItemLockedException Thrown when a user attempts to lock an item that is already locked.
Public class ItemMerge Represents the records returned by prc_QueryMerges.
Public class ItemNotCheckedOutException
Public class ItemNotFoundException
Public class ItemNotMappedException
Public class ItemRequiredException
Public class ItemSecurity Describes the security settings for an item. This structure is only used to return security information to the client. It is not used internally.
Public class ItemSet
Public class ItemSpec Represents a selector for versioned items.
Public class LabelArtifactProvider
Public class LabelDuplicateItemException Thrown when the user specified the same item more than one time during creating / updating a label.
Public class LabelExistsException Thrown when the user attempts to create a label that already exists. Will only appear if the label is created between the time the mid-tier does its query and prc_CreateItem is called.
Public class LabelHasChildrenException This is thrown when a call to VersionControlLabel.LabelItem encounters child labels and "delete" or "merge" is not specified.
Public class LabelItemSpec The LabelItemSpec is used to define an item that is being labeled. This is the server path, version, recursion type and include/exclude.
Public class LabelNotFoundException Thrown if a named label is not found in the scope specified by serverItem.
Public class LabelNotification
Public class LabelNotUniqueException Thrown when the user attempts to delete or update a label that does not uniquely match a single label. Requests that they specify the label scope.
Public class LabelOwnerChangeException Thrown if an owner change to an existing label is tried.
Public class LabelPendingAddException
Public class LabelResult Returned from LabelItem and UnlabelItem to indicate which labels were operated on and what was done to them.
Public class LabelVersionSpec Specifies a version based on a label.
Public class LatestItemVersionArtifactProvider
Public class LatestVersionDeletedException This is thrown when the latest version of the item specified is deleted and this is not valid for the situation.
Public class LatestVersionSpec Specifies the latest version. No real parameters.
Public class LocalItemExclusionSet
Public class LocalItemOutOfDateException
Public class LocalItemRequiredException
Public class LocalPathTooLongException Thrown when a namespace operation (rename, undelete, branch, merge) would cause a local path that is too long.
Public class LocalPendingChange
Public class LocalVersion Contains the local version information about an item in a user's workspace.
Public class LocalVersionNotFoundException
Public class LocalVersionUpdate Class representing a single UpdateLocalVersion request. Allows UpdateLocalVersion() to take an array of requests.
Public class LocalWorkspaceRequiredException Thrown when an action is performed on a local workspace that is not permitted for a local workspace.
Public class LongPathInWorkspaceRequires2012QU1Exception Thrown when we want to send a specific message to the client to use VS 2012 QU 1 or later
Public class Mapping
Public class MappingException Base class for exceptions that occur translating local to server paths and vice-versa
Public class MaxRowsEvaluatedException Thrown when a stored procedure evaluates more than n rows specified by the system administrator.
Public class MergeCandidate Represents a changeset that must be merged.
Public class MergeConflictExistsException Generated when prc_CheckPendingChanges, or prc_CheckIn notices that the user is trying to checkin in a pending change that has an unresolved merge conflict.
Public class MergeDoNotHaveTargetLocallyException Thrown by Merge if user does not have the target of the merge.
Public class MergeEditDeleteException Thrown when the user sends a request that attempts to return more items than are enabled by the administrator-defined limit.
Public class MergeSource Represents a source item and version range of a merge (or rename)
Public class MergeTargetCloakedException Thrown by Merge if the target of the merge is cloaked.
Public class MergeTargetFileSourceDirectoryException Thrown from PendMerge when the source of a MergeOperation is a directory, but the target is a file.
Public class MergeTargetNotMappedException Thrown by Merge if the target of the merge is not mapped.
Public class MergeTargetPathAlreadyHasPendingMergeException Thrown when the client tries to pend a merge to a path that already has a pending merge.
Public class MergeTargetPathHasIncompatiblePendingChangeException Thrown when the client tries to pend a merge on an item that has a non (Edit|Encoding) change pended.
Public class MergeTargetPathHasNamespacePendingChangeConflictException Thrown when the client tries to pend a merge to a path that has a non-matching ItemId pending change already.
Public class MissingParentIsRenameOrUndeleteException Thrown from prc_CheckIn when a missing parent is a pended rename or undelete.
Public class MustUndeleteParentException This exception is thrown when the client attempts to pend and Undelete operation against an item when one of the items parents was deleted in the operation. We require that the root item be undeleted. Sub items of a delete cannot be undeleted.
Public class NoChangesToShelveException Thrown when the user does not specify any changes to shelve
Public class NoLockExistsException When a client attempts to release a lock on an item, but does not have a lock this exception is thrown.
Public class NoMergeRelationshipException Thrown by QueryMergeCandidates when the user requests to see what items have to be merged from X to Y and there is no previous merge relationship. If we did not throw this, the command would list every changeset from the source side.
Public class NotAllowedOnFolderException
Public class NotPermittedForLocalWorkspaceException Thrown when an action is performed on a local workspace that is not permitted for a local workspace
Public class NotWorkspaceOwnerException This exception is thrown when a user attempts to perform an operation on another users workspace that can only be performed by the owner of the workspace.
Public class OwnerRequiredException Thrown when the client tries to query against a workspace name but all owners.
Public class PartialRenameConflictException Thrown by Checkin or Undo if the commit or undo of one item would cause a collision with another pending change that is being left alone.
Public class PathRestriction The security filtering returns a PathRestriction instance when a user does not have permissions to the complete set of items. The items member contains the subset of items to which the user does have permissions.
Public class PendChangesNotification
Public class PendingChange Object representing an item that has changes pending.
Public class PendingChangeChangedException Used when the list of pending changes during an operation e.g. between Prepare and pend unshelve
Public class PendingChangeContentNotFoundException
Public class PendingChangeMergeConflictExistsException Generated from PendEdit, Delete, or Rename when the user is trying to modify a pending change that has an unresolved merge conflict.
Public class PendingChildException Thrown when the user attempts to pend a delete against a folder who has a descendant with a pending change.
Public class PendingDeleteConflictChangeException Thrown when the user attempts to pend a delete on and item that has a conflicting change
Public class PendingLocalVersionMismatchException Thrown when the local version of an item differs from the version on which a user has a change pended.
Public class PendingParentDeleteException Thrown when the user attempts to pend a change against an item whose parent has a pending delete.
Public class PendingSet Object representing a series of pending changes grouped into a set. For instance each workspace contains a pending set.
Public class PendingState
Public class PermissionChange Represents a change to an item's permissions.
Public class PluginHasMultipleInterfacesException If a plug-in contains multiple ISubscriber interfaces, this exception is thrown.
Public class PolicyFailureInfo The PolicyFailureInfo is the information that is used to describe a policy failure that was overriden during a checkin. There may be one or more with any given changeset.
Public class PolicyOverrideInfo The PolicyOverrideInfo is associated with a changeset. It describes a set of failures that occurred for policies associated with the checkin.
Public class ProxyInfo Represents information about a TFS proxy server.
Public class ProxyStatisticsWebService
Public class ReconcileResult
Public class RenameWorkingFolderException This exception is thrown when a serverItem is renamed but the workspace the rename is being made in has this serverItem mapped as a workingFolder
Public class Repository
Public class Repository4
Public class Repository5
Public class RepositoryExtensions The RepositoryExtensions class is divided into several partial classes where groups of WebMethods are implemented. This keeps all methods from being listed in a single file and is much more maintainable.
Public class RepositoryPathTooLongDetailedException Thrown when a namespace operation would result in a repository path that is too long.
Public class RepositoryPathTooLongDueToDeletedItemsException Thrown when a namespace operation (rename, undelete, branch, merge) would result in a repository path that is too long.
Public class RepositoryPathTooLongException Thrown when a namespace operation (rename, undelete, branch, merge) would create a repository path that is too long.
Public class RepositoryProperties Describes the global properties of this repository.
Public class ReservedAnnotationException This excpetion is thrown when the caller attempts to access a reserved annotation. These cannot be accessed by the client through the public API.
Public class ResourceAccessException
Public class RollbackInvalidOptionException
Public class RollbackInvalidVersionSpecException Thrown in when the caller passes in a label or workspace spec as the end range of the rollback.
Public class RootInheritanceException Thrown when the user attempts to change the inherit flag of $/
Public class SecurityChange Base class for security change requests
Public class SecurityConfigurationException
Public class SecurityException
Public class ServerException Base class for all server-generated exceptions.
Public class ServerItemException Base class for all exceptions that take a single server item as an argument. This is 90% of them, BTW
Public class ServerItemLocalVersionUpdate Class representing a single UpdateLocalVersion request. Allows UpdateLocalVersion() to take an array of requests.
Public class ServerItemRequiredException
Public class ServerSettings
Public class ShelvedChangeNotFoundException Thrown when the user attempts to unshelve an item that has no shelving changed.
Public class ShelvedItemArtifactProvider
Public class ShelveMergeConflictExistsException Thrown when the user tries to shelve an item that has an unresolved merge conflict.
Public class Shelveset The Shelveset represents the metadata for a set of shelved changes.
Public class ShelvesetArtifactProvider
Public class ShelvesetExistsException Thrown when the given a shelveset matching the given name and owner already is in the database.
Public class ShelvesetNotFoundException Thrown when the given a shelveset matching the given name and owner cannot be found in the database.
Public class ShelvesetNotification
Public class ShelvingPartialRenameConflictException Thrown by prc_Shelve if the shelving is prevented by a dependent rename problem.
Public class TargetCloakedException Thrown when the user attempts to rename an item into a cloaked or unmapped area and they have a pending edit.
Public class TargetHasPendingChangeException When a client attempts to rename, branch or add an item over top of one that currently has a pending change
Public class TargetIsChildException Thrown if an item is renamed or branched to a child of itself
Public class TeamFoundationVersionControlNotEnabledForTeamProject Thrown when someone tries to create a git repository for a team project that already has TFS VC enabled.
Public class TeamFoundationVersionControlService The Version Control settings.
Public class TeamProjectCannotDeleteException
Public class TeamProjectFolderOptions This class is used to describe the initial configuration of a newly created team project. This allows the creator to control the initial access, checkin notes, whether exclusive checkout is enforced or not and whether get latest on checkout is enforced.
Public class TeamProjectFolderPermission This is used to set up the initial permissions when you are creating a team project. Each permission supplied is a set of allow and denies for an identity.
Public class TeamProjectNotEmptyException Thrown when a team project is not empty and a ResetCheckinDate is attemped
Public class TeamProjectNotFoundException
Public class TrackMergesExceededMaxBranchesLimitException This exception is thrown if prc_TrackMerges exceeds SQL max recursion
Public class UndeleteAboveUnrelatedItemException Thrown by prc_PendUndelete when it is called by resolve when an ItemId unrelated to an undelete item has a namespace conflict with a pended change.
Public class UndeleteNewNameNotSupportedException The undelete /newname command is no longer supported
Public class UndoPendingChangesNotification
Public class UnshelvingPartialRenameException Thrown by prc_Unshelve if the unshelving is prevented by a dependent rename problem.
Public class UploadHandler Handles HTTP file uploads from clients. Accepts POST requests to the url https://localhost/Hatteras/upload.asmx See ProcessRequest for list of parameters
Public class VersionConflictException
Public class VersionControlHttpHandler
Public class VersionControlIntegration
Public class VersionControlLabel Represents a label. Called a "VersionControlLabel" so that it does not conflict with System.Windows.Forms.Label.
Public class VersionControlLink Represents a link between a version control entity and an external entity identified by a URL.
Public class VersionControlPage
Public class VersionControlWebService
Public class VersionedItemArtifactProvider
Public class VersionSpec A base class for encapsulating version specifications. Allows several different types of versions.
Public class Warning The warning object contains information that should be made available to a user. Warnings do not indicate an error condition; they indicate conditions about which a user should pay attention to.
Public class WebMethodNotSupportedException This exception is thrown for Web methods we no longer support.
Public class WildcardNotAllowedException Thrown when a wildcard is specified for a parameter where it is not allowed
Public class WorkingFolder
Public class WorkingFolderCreationException
Public class WorkingFolderException Thrown when the working folder set has a problem. Problem is indicated by the resource string passed, which becomes the message.
Public class WorkingFolderInUseException If the client attempts to create or update a workspace with a working folder mapping whose local path conflicts with another workspace on the same computer this exception is thrown.
Public class Workspace
Public class WorkspaceCreationException
Public class WorkspaceDeletionException
Public class WorkspaceException Base class for all exceptions that occur during workspace manipulation.
Public class WorkspaceExistsException
Public class WorkspaceItem Used by QueryWorkspaceItems to represent an item. Inherits all fields from Item.
Public class WorkspaceItemSet
Public class WorkspaceNotFoundException
Public class WorkspaceNotification
Public class WorkspaceRequiresComputerNameException When creating or updating a workspace the computer name is a required element. If cannot be NULL or set to an empty value.
Public class WorkspaceSecurity Publically accessible class describing a workspace's permissions.
Public class WorkspaceVersionSpec Specifies a version based on a workspace name/owner.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AuthenticationType Describes the possible authentication types. Currently only NTLM is supported. Used in tbl_Identity.AuthenticationType
Public enumeration ChangeType Valid change operations. Used in the ChangeType property of PendingChange.
Public enumeration CheckinOptions
Public enumeration CheckinType
Public enumeration CheckinWorkItemAction Capture the user's intent on work items accompanying the checkin.
Public enumeration ConflictType Describes the possible conflict types.
Public enumeration DeletedState Parameters for QueryItems regarding deleted items (see prc_QueryItems)
Public enumeration GetOptions Keep this in sync with Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.GetOptions Ideally we would move it into RepositoryConstants, but cannot because of backward compatibility
Public enumeration GlobalPermissions Defines the permission bitmasks used in the database for system-wide permissions Used in tblPermission.GrantedPermission and tblPermission.RevokedPermission
Public enumeration ItemType
Public enumeration LabelChildOption Enumeration for LabelItem to determine what is to be done with children
Public enumeration LabelResultStatus Returned from prc_LabelItem and prc_UnlabelItem to indicate what has been done to each child label.
Public enumeration LockLevel Valid locking levels. Used in the LockLevel property of PendingChange.
Public enumeration LockStatus Defines the three locking levels Used in tbl_PendingChange.LockStatus
Public enumeration MergeFlags The different ways to resolve a merge. Used in tbl_PendingMerge.HowMerged and tbl_Merges.HowMerged.
Public enumeration MergeOptions
Public enumeration PendingSetType Used to distinguish workspaces from pending sets in QueryPendingChanges calls.
Public enumeration RecursionType Possible values for the @recursion flag
Public enumeration RequestType
Public enumeration Resolution These are the different ways to resolve a conflict.
Public enumeration SeverityType Indicates contents of "failure" object.
Public enumeration ShelvesetNotificationType
Public enumeration WarningType Possible values for the WarningType column returned by prc_PendXXX (see func_ComputePendingChangeWarnings).
Public enumeration WorkingFolderType Used to describe working folder entries. Each entry is either a map or a cloak