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Called by the framework when an item has been modified.

virtual void OnUpdate( 
   COleServerItem* pSender, 
   LPARAM lHint, 
   CObject* pHint, 
   DVASPECT nDrawAspect  


  • pSender
    Pointer to the item that modified the document. Can be NULL.

  • lHint
    Contains information about the modification.

  • pHint
    Pointer to an object storing information about the modification.

  • nDrawAspect
    A value from the DVASPECT enumeration. This parameter can have any one of the following values:

    • DVASPECT_CONTENT   Item is represented in such a way that it can be displayed as an embedded object inside its container.

    • DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL   Item is rendered in a "thumbnail" representation so that it can be displayed in a browsing tool.

    • DVASPECT_ICON   Item is represented by an icon.

    • DVASPECT_DOCPRINT   Item is represented as if it were printed using the Print command from the File menu.


The default implementation calls NotifyChanged, regardless of the hint or sender.


Header: afxole.h

See Also


COleServerItem Class

Hierarchy Chart
