VsSolutionPropID Enumeration
Identifies property settings for a solution.
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0.dll)
Public Enumeration VsSolutionPropID
public enum VsSolutionPropID
Member name | Description | |
SolutionDirectory | The directory where the solution file is saved. | |
SolutionFileName | The full path to the solution file. | |
UserOptionsFileName | The full path to the user options file. | |
SolutionBaseName | Gets or sets the base name of the solution file. | |
IsSolutionDirty | Indicates if the solution is dirty. If true, the solution file is dirty. | |
IsSolutionOpen | Indicates if a solution file is open. If true, the solution file is open. | |
ProjectCount | The number of projects open in the solution. | |
RegisteredProjExtns | A semicolon-separated list of all project extensions. | |
OpenProjectFilter | The filter/entension list used in the Open Project dialog. | |
FileDefaultCodePage | The code page for saving files (CP_ACP/CP_WINUNICODE). | |
SolutionFileNameBeingLoaded | The full path to the file being opened (valid only during open). | |
SolutionNodeCaption | The caption for solution node in Project Explorer. | |
IsSolutionOpening | Indicates if a solution file is being opened. If true, the solution file is being opened. | |
IsSolutionSaveAsRequired | Indicates if saving the solution requires a Save As dialog. If true, saving the solution does require a Save As dialog. | |
CountOfProjectsBeingLoaded | The count of projects in file being opened (valid only during open). | |
SolutionPropertyPages | A semicolon-delimited list of class identifiers (CLSIDs) of the solution-level property pages. | |
IsSolutionNodeHidden | Indicates if the solution node is hidden in the integrated development environment (IDE). If true, the solution node is hidden in the IDE. | |
DeferredSaveSolution | Indicates if the solution is "zero-impact" (that is, a permanent save is performed explicitly using File.SaveAll). If true, the solution is zero-impact. | |
SimplifiedConfigurations | Indicates if the solution is in simplified configuration mode. If true, the solution is in simplified configuration mode. | |
IsSolutionClosing | Indicates if a solution file is being closed. If true, the solution file is being closed. | |
IsAProjectClosing | The IUnknown of IVsHierarchy of the project being closed. | |
IsSolutionOpeningDocs | Indicates if the solution is reopening the documents that were open when the solution was last closed. If true, the solution is reopening the documents. | |
IsOpenNotificationPending | Indicates if the OnAfterOpenSolution notification is pending. If true, the notification is pending. This occurs when a new project is being created with a new solution. | |
ProjectLoadSecurityDialogState | The state of the project load security dialog kept between different language packages. | |
SolutionUserFileCreatedOnThisComputer | Indicates if the .suo file accompanying the solution file was originally created on the same computer it's being opened on. If true, the .suo file was created on the same computer it is being opened on. Check inside ReadUserOptions. This property is read only. | |
NewProjectDlgPreferredLanguage | The preferred language for the New Project dialog; if there is no preferred language, an empty length string is returned. If there is a preferred language, then the non-preferred language project types are displayed under an "Other Languages" node in the New Project dialog. The preferred language is set by the user's choice of development settings in the Import and Export Settings dialog. | |
IsSavingOnClose | Indicates if the solution is being saved when closing. If true, the solution is being saved when closing. | |
NoFrameworkDialogState | The state of the project load security dialog kept between different language packages. | |
IsInBackgroundIdleLoadProjectBatch | Returns true if Visual Studio is currently loading a batch of pending projects triggered in the background at idle. IVsSolutionLoadEvents::OnBeforeLoadProjectBatch(true) has been called. | |
IsInSyncDemandLoadProjectBatch | Returns true if Visual Studio is currently loading a batch of pending projects synchronously triggered by some user action or command invocation that requires a set of projects to be loaded. IVsSolutionLoadEvents::OnBeforeLoadProjectBatch(false) has been called. | |
IsSolutionFullyLoaded | Indicates if all projects have been loaded by the Background Solution Load feature. If true, all projects have been loaded in the background. | |
BaseSolutionExplorerCaption | Gets or sets the base caption for the Solution Explorer tool window. The default is "SolutionExplorer". The full caption is built by concatenating BaseSolutionExplorerCaption and SolutionExplorerCaptionSuffix. | |
SolutionExplorerCaptionSuffix | Gets or sets the suffix caption for the Solution Explorer tool window. The default is VT_Empty. The full caption is built by concatenating BaseSolutionExplorerCaption and SolutionExplorerCaptionSuffix. | |
SolutionExplorerCaption | The full caption for the Solution Explorer tool window. The full caption is built by concatenating BaseSolutionExplorerCaption and SolutionExplorerCaptionSuffix. | |
AddNewProjectAsSibling | Gets or sets a Boolean: true if new projects should be added on the sibling directory of the solution, otherwise false. | |
ActiveSolutionLoadManager | Gets or sets a pointer to the active Solution Load Manager. The default is a null reference. A solution load manager is able to control how projects are loaded during the Solution Open operation. It can control whether projects are loaded immediately, loaded in the background (at idle), left to be loaded if needed, or set to stay unloaded. A solution load manager is expected to implement IVsSolutionLoadManager. A common approach is to have the solution load manager package autoload for the SolutionOpening UIContext, for example, [ProvideAutoLoad(UIContextGuids.SolutionOpening)]. This property can also be set during OnBeforeOpenSolution or during ReadSolutionProps for the pre solution section. | |
SolutionFileExt | The solution file extension (default - ".sln"). | |
UserOptsFileExt | The solution options file extension (default - ".suo"). | |
FaultedProjectCount | The number of faulted projects in the solution. | |
ProjectFaultResolutionContext | The IUnknown of IVsPropertyBag that represents the current project fault resolution context. This property is read only (but the returned property bag is mutable).
This property is only non-null if the user has just performed a gesture that requires a batch of faulted projects to be resolved. In this case, before invoking ResolveFault for the first time, a new empty property bag is created and assigned to this property, and the property remains that way for all calls to ResolveFault that logically belong to that gesture. After the last call to ResolveFault, the property is set back to null. Therefore, arbitrary data can be preserved and passed between ResolveFault calls in a single gesture. Typically, this is used when fault resolution requires some modal UI prompt, and that provides a "Don't ask me for the remaining projects" flag. This flag can be stored in the property bag along with user's input, and queried on further calls to ResolveFault to suppress the UI and apply the same choice to all projects. See IVsProjectFaultResolver for more information. |
SolutionViewModel | The IUnknown of IVsUIDataSource that contains the view model for some solution properties. This property is primarily used by the solution navigator. |