VSConstants Class
Use this class to access common Visual Studio constants.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0.dll)
Public NotInheritable Class VSConstants
public sealed class VSConstants
The VSConstants type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
Name | Description | |
ALL | The GUID that represents all objects in the selection container. | |
AssemblyReferenceProvider_Guid | ||
AssemblyReferenceProvider_string | ||
BuildOrder | Use this legacy GUID to access a specific output pane. | |
BuildOutput | Use BuildOutputPane_guid. | |
CEF_CLONEFILE | An obsolete flag combined bitwise as the first parameter of the method CreateEditorInstance. | |
CEF_OPENASNEW | Indicates that the editor factory should perform necessary corrections. | |
CEF_OPENFILE | Indicates that the editor factory should open the file. | |
CEF_SILENT | Indicates that the editor factory should create the editor silently. | |
CLSID_ComPlusOnlyDebugEngine | The GUID of the debug engine for COM Plus. | |
CLSID_HtmDocData | The document's data is HTML format. | |
CLSID_HtmedPackage | The GUID of the HTML package. | |
CLSID_HtmlLanguageService | GUID of the HTML language service. | |
CLSID_MiscellaneousFilesProject | CLSID for Miscellaneous Files project. | |
CLSID_SolutionItemsProject | Project type CLSID for Solution Items project. | |
CLSID_VsCfgProviderEventsHelper | Provide notifications when configuration-related events are fired. Implemented by the environment. | |
CLSID_VsDocOutlinePackage | The CLSID of the document outline package window. | |
CLSID_VsEnvironmentPackage | The CLSID for Visual Studio Environment Package. | |
CLSID_VsTaskList | The CLSID for Visual Studio Environment Task List. | |
CLSID_VsTaskListPackage | The CLSID for Visual Studio Environment Task List Package. | |
CLSID_VsUIHierarchyWindow | The CLSID for Visual Studio Environment Hierarchy Window. | |
cmdidToolsOptions | On the Tools menu, the command for options. | |
ComReferenceProvider_Guid | ||
ComReferenceProvider_string | ||
CPDN_SELCHANGED | Sent from a page dialog to Component Selector dialog, informs of selection change on page. | |
CPDN_SELDBLCLICK | Sent from a page dialog to Component Selector dialog, informs of a double click on a selected item. | |
CPPM_CLEARSELECTION | Resets and clears selection in list of available components on the Component Selector dialog. | |
CPPM_GETSELECTION | Retrieves information about selection on the Component Selector dialog. | |
CPPM_INITIALIZELIST | Initializes the list of available components on the Component Selector dialog. | |
CPPM_INITIALIZETAB | Initializes a tab with Variant in VSCOMPONENTSELECTORTABINIT on the Component Selector dialog. | |
CPPM_QUERYCANSELECT | Determine whether the Select button should be enabled on the Component Selector dialog. | |
CPPM_SETMULTISELECT | Sets the multiple-selection mode on the Component Selector dialog. | |
DebugOutput | Use this legacy GUID to access a specific output pane. | |
DISP_E_ARRAYISLOCKED | An HRESULT that indicates that the array is currently locked. | |
DISP_E_BADCALLEE | A COM return value. | |
DISP_E_BADINDEX | A return value that indicates subscript out of range. | |
DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT | An error return value that indicates that the number of elements provided to the method is different from the number of arguments accepted by the method. | |
DISP_E_BADVARTYPE | One of the method arguments is not a valid variant type. | |
DISP_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL | A return error that indicates the destination token buffer is too small. | |
DISP_E_DIVBYZERO | A return error that indicates a divide by zero error. | |
DISP_E_EXCEPTION | This return value indicates that the call generated an exception. The usual implementation is to specify that an argument of the method that returned this error is a pointer to a structure that contains exception information. | |
DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND | A return value indicating that the requested member does not exist, or the call to Invoke tried to set the value of a read-only property. | |
DISP_E_NONAMEDARGS | A return value indicating that the invoked implementation of IDispatch does not support named arguments. | |
DISP_E_NOTACOLLECTION | A return value indicating an unexpected argument type. | |
DISP_E_OVERFLOW | An error that indicates that a value could not be coerced to its expected representation. | |
DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND | A return value that indicates that one of the parameter DISPIDs does not correspond to a parameter on the method. | |
DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL | A return value that indicates that a required parameter was omitted. | |
DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH | A return value that indicates that one or more of the parameters could not be coerced. | |
DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE | A return value that indicates that the interface identifier passed in riid is not equal to IID_NULL. | |
DISP_E_UNKNOWNLCID | A return value that indicates that the member being invoked interprets string arguments according to the Locale ID (LCID), and the LCID is not recognized. If the LCID is not needed to interpret arguments, this error should not be returned. | |
DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME | A return value that indicates that one or more of the names were not known. The returned DISPIDs contain DISPID_UNKNOWN for each entry that corresponds to an unknown name. | |
DocumentFrame | A constant referenced in selection events to describe which component of the shell has just been selected. | |
E_ABORT | A return value that may indicate an explicit cancellation action or some process that could no longer proceed after (for instance) both undo and rollback failed. | |
E_ACCESSDENIED | A return value that describes a general access denied error. | |
E_FAIL | Error HRESULT for a generic failure. | |
E_HANDLE | A return value that indicates an invalid handle. | |
E_INVALIDARG | Error HRESULT for an invalid argument. | |
E_NOINTERFACE | Error HRESULT for the request of a not implemented interface. | |
E_NOTIMPL | Error HRESULT for the call to a method that is not implemented. | |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Error HRESULT for out of memory. | |
E_PENDING | A return value that indicates the availability of an asynchronously accessed interface. | |
E_POINTER | A return value that indicates that an invalid pointer, usually nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), was passed as a parameter. | |
E_UNEXPECTED | A return value that indicates that the result of the method call is outside of the error cases the client code can readily handle. | |
FileReferenceProvider_Guid | ||
FileReferenceProvider_string | ||
GUID_AppCommand | Identifies commands fired as a result of a WM_APPCOMMAND message received by the main window. | |
GUID_BrowseFilePage | The Browse File page. | |
GUID_BuildOutputWindowPane | This constant represents the GUID for the interface IVsOutputWindowPane which is implemented by the shell's OutputWindow tool window. It is used by client code to display messages in the output window. | |
GUID_COMClassicPage | A Visual Studio component selector page GUID. | |
GUID_COMPlusPage | A Visual Studio component selector page GUID. | |
GUID_DefaultEditor | A common system defined editor GUID. | |
GUID_ExternalEditor | A common editor GUID. | |
GUID_HTMEDAllowExistingDocData | GUID used to mark a VsTextBuffer in order to tell to the HTML editor factory to accept preexisting doc data. | |
GUID_HtmlEditorFactory | GUID of the HTML editor factory. | |
GUID_ItemType_PhysicalFile | A GUID constant used to specify that the type is a physical file on disk or the Web. | |
GUID_ItemType_PhysicalFolder | A GUID constant used to specify that the type is a physical folder on disk or the Web. | |
GUID_ItemType_SubProject | A GUID constant used to specify that the type is a nested hierarchy project. | |
GUID_ItemType_VirtualFolder | A GUID constant used to specify that the type is a non-physical folder. | |
GUID_OutWindowDebugPane | A GUID constant used to specify the debug pane inside the output window. | |
GUID_OutWindowGeneralPane | The GUID of the pseudo service that returns the General output pane SID_SVsGeneralOutputWindowPane in the VS environment. | |
GUID_ProjectDesignerEditor | The project designer GUID. | |
GUID_SolutionPage | A Visual Studio component selector page GUID. | |
GUID_TextEditorFactory | GUID of the Text editor factory. | |
GUID_VS_DEPTYPE_BUILD_PROJECT | The GUID for dependencies that are build projects. | |
GUID_VsNewProjectPseudoFolder | String resource ID for Visual Studio pseudo-folder. | |
GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97 | This GUID identifies the standard set of commands known by Visual Studio 97 (version 6). | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewAll | The GUID for the highest abstraction task lists. | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewCheckedTasks | The GUID for a certain flavor or task lists. | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewCommentTasks | The GUID for a certain flavor or task lists. | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewCompilerTasks | The GUID for a certain flavor or task lists. | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewCurrentFileTasks | The GUID for a certain flavor or task lists. | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewHTMLTasks | The GUID for a certain flavor or task lists. | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewShortcutTasks | The GUID for a certain flavor or task lists. | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewUncheckedTasks | The GUID for a certain flavor or task lists. | |
GUID_VsTaskListViewUserTasks | The GUID for a certain flavor or task lists. | |
GUID_VsUIHierarchyWindowCmds | A GUID that defines the command group related to the hierarchy window. | |
guidCOMPLUSLibrary | The GUID of the COM Plus library. | |
HIERARCHY_DONTCHANGE | Instructs the selection container not to change the value. | |
HIERARCHY_DONTPROPAGATE | Instructs the selection container to set the value to nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). | |
IID_IUnknown | GUID of the IUnknown COM interface. | |
LOGVIEWID_Any | Any defined view for document data. | |
LOGVIEWID_Code | GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97cmdidOpenWith handlers should pass this value to the OpenStandardEditor method to get the Open With dialog, in this case on possible Code Views. | |
LOGVIEWID_Debugging | GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97cmdidOpenWith handlers should pass this value to the OpenStandardEditor method to get the Open With dialog, in this case populated with possible LOGVIEWID_Debugging debugging views which map to the same view as LOGVIEWID_Code. | |
LOGVIEWID_Designer | GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97cmdidOpenWith handlers should pass this value to the OpenStandardEditor method to get the Open With dialog, in this case to View Form designer views. | |
LOGVIEWID_Primary | GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97cmdidOpenWith handlers should pass this value to OpenStandardEditor method to get the Open With dialog, in this case the default/primary view of the editor factory. | |
LOGVIEWID_TextView | GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97cmdidOpenWith handlers should pass this value to OpenStandardEditor method to get the Open With dialog, in this for a document or data text editor view. | |
LOGVIEWID_UserChooseView | GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97cmdidOpenWith handlers should pass this value to OpenStandardEditor method which prompts the user to choose which user-defined view to use. | |
MiscFilesProjectUniqueName | ||
OLE_E_ADVF | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_BLANK | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_CANT_GETMONIKER | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_CANTCONVERT | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_CLASSDIFF | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_ENUM_NOMORE | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_INVALIDHWND | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_INVALIDRECT | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_NOCACHE | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_NOCONNECTION | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_NOSTORAGE | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_NOT_INPLACEACTIVE | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_NOTRUNNING | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_OLEVERB | A legacy OLE error. | |
OLE_E_PROMPTSAVECANCELLED | The user was prompted to save but chose the Cancel button from the prompt message box. | |
OLE_E_STATIC | The cache is for a static object and it already has a cache node. | |
OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ | The versions of COMPOBJ.DLL and OLE2.DLL on your machine are incompatible with each other. | |
PlatformReferenceProvider_Guid | ||
PlatformReferenceProvider_string | ||
ProjectReferenceProvider_Guid | ||
ProjectReferenceProvider_string | ||
PropertyBrowserSID | Describes what component of the shell has just been selected. | |
S_FALSE | HRESULT for false. | |
S_OK | Generic HRESULT for success. | |
SELCONTAINER_DONTCHANGE | Instructs the selection container not to change the value. | |
SELCONTAINER_DONTPROPAGATE | Instructs the selection container to set the value to nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). | |
SELECTED | The GUID that represents selected objects in the selection container. | |
SID_SUIHostCommandDispatcher | The name of the Visual Studio service that implements IOleCommandTarget. | |
SID_SVsGeneralOutputWindowPane | Returns an IID_IVsOutputWindowPane interface of the General output pane in the Visual Studio environment. | |
SID_SVsToolboxActiveXDataProvider | A Visual Studio toolbox service. | |
SolutionItemsProjectUniqueName | ||
StartupProject | A constant referenced in selection events to describe which component of the shell has just been selected, in this case in response to project startup. | |
UICONTEXT_CodeWindow | Specifies a UI context in which the code window is active. | |
UICONTEXT_Debugging | Specifies The UI context for debugging mode. | |
UICONTEXT_DesignMode | Specifies the UI context for design mode. | |
UICONTEXT_Dragging | Specifies a UI context in which a drag/drop operation is active. | |
UICONTEXT_EmptySolution | Specifies a UI context in which an empty solution is active. | |
UICONTEXT_FullScreenMode | Specifies a UI context in which the Full Screen mode of the view is active. | |
UICONTEXT_NoSolution | Specifies a UI context in which no solution is open. | |
UICONTEXT_SolutionBuilding | Specifies a UI context in which the solution is being built. | |
UICONTEXT_SolutionExists | Specifies a UI context in which a solution exists. | |
UICONTEXT_SolutionHasAppContainerProject | ||
UICONTEXT_SolutionHasMultipleProjects | Specifies a UI context in which a solution is open and has multiple projects loaded. | |
UICONTEXT_SolutionHasSingleProject | Specifies a UI context in which a solution with a single project is open. | |
UNDO_E_CLIENTABORT | Error HRESULT for a client abort. | |
UndoManager | A constant referenced in selection events to describe which component of the shell has just been selected. | |
UserContext | A constant referenced in selection events to describe which component of the shell has just been selected. | |
VS_BUILDABLEPROJECTCFGOPTS_BUILD_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT_ONLY | A flag that requests that only the most recently modified document be built. | |
VS_BUILDABLEPROJECTCFGOPTS_BUILD_SELECTION_ONLY | A flag that requests that only the selected items be rebuilt. | |
VS_BUILDABLEPROJECTCFGOPTS_PRIVATE | A flag that is private to a particular implementation. | |
VS_BUILDABLEPROJECTCFGOPTS_REBUILD | A flag that requests that the project be rebuilt completely, regardless of whether it is up-to-date. | |
VS_E_BUSY | A constant returned by interfaces to asynchronous behavior when the object in question in already busy. | |
VS_E_INCOMPATIBLEDOCDATA | A Visual Studio specific error HRESULT for "Incompatible document data". | |
VS_E_PACKAGENOTLOADED | A Visual Studio specific error HRESULT that indicates "Package not loaded." | |
VS_E_PROJECTALREADYEXISTS | A Visual Studio-specific error HRESULT that indicates that the "Project already exists." | |
VS_E_PROJECTMIGRATIONFAILED | A Visual Studio specific error HRESULT that indicates "Project configuration failed." | |
VS_E_PROJECTNOTLOADED | A Visual Studio-specific error HRESULT that indicates "Project not loaded." | |
VS_E_SOLUTIONALREADYOPEN | A Visual Studio-specific error HRESULT that indicates "Solution already open." | |
VS_E_SOLUTIONNOTOPEN | A Visual Studio-specific error HRESULT that indicates "Solution not open." | |
VS_E_SPECIFYING_OUTPUT_UNSUPPORTED | Returned by build interfaces that have parameters for specifying an array of IVsOutput's but the implementation can only apply the method to all outputs. | |
VS_E_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT | CreateEditorInstance returns this value if the document has a format that cannot be opened in the editor. | |
VS_E_WIZARDBACKBUTTONPRESS | An HRESULT value that indicates that the user hit the back button in a Visual Studio wizard. | |
VS_S_PROJECTFORWARDED | A Visual Studio-specific error HRESULT that indicates "Project forwarded." | |
VS_S_TBXMARKER | A Visual Studio-specific constant for a "Toolbox marker." | |
VSCOOKIE_NIL | A Visual Studio-specific constant that indicates that a cookie has not been set. | |
VSITEMID_NIL | A Visual Studio item identifier that represents the absence of a project item. This value is used when there is no current selection. | |
VSITEMID_ROOT | A Visual Studio item identifier that represents the root of a project hierarchy and is used to identify the entire hierarchy, as opposed to a single item. | |
VSITEMID_SELECTION | A Visual Studio item identifier that represents the currently selected item or items, which can include the root of the hierarchy. | |
VSM_ENTERMODAL | A Visual Studio-specific constant for broadcasting a notification message via OnBroadcastMessage that indicates the beginning of modality. | |
VSM_EXITMODAL | A Visual Studio-specific constant for broadcasting a notification message via OnBroadcastMessage that indicates the end of modality. | |
VSM_TOOLBARMETRICSCHANGE | A Visual Studio-specific constant for broadcasting a notification message via OnBroadcastMessage indicating that the command bar metrics have changed. | |
VsStd11 | ||
VsStd2010 | Identifies commands in Visual Studio 2010. | |
VSStd2K | GUID for the Windows 2000 command set. This is a set of standard editor commands. | |
WindowFrame | A constant referenced in selection events to describe which component of the shell has just been selected. |
Thread Safety
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.