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Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel.Translation Namespace

Provides classes to translate an existing data schema model into a target schema model.

Create derived classes to recreate an existing database in another specific type of database.


  Class Description
Public class DataSchemaModelTranslator Provides a base for a translator class that translates a data schema model to a schema model for a specific database, such as the SQL Server schema model.
Public class ModelTranslator Provides a low-level base class for a translator.
Public class ModelTranslatorAction Provides a base class for classes that implement a specific action, such as ModelTranslatorDemoteToAction.
Public class ModelTranslatorDefinition Represents a container for the actions that accomplish the translation.
Public class ModelTranslatorDemoteToAction Transforms the source element into a target element that has fewer properties than the source element.
Public class ModelTranslatorDeprecateAction Eliminates the source element from the target schema model.
Public class ModelTranslatorException The exception that is thrown by a ModelTranslator or a related object in the Microsoft.Data.Schema.SchemaModel.Translation namespace when an error is encountered. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class ModelTranslatorMergeToAction Specifies how to merge several typed source elements into one element in the target schema.
Public class ModelTranslatorPromoteToAction Transforms the source element into a target element that has more properties than the source element.
Public class ModelTranslatorSplitToAction Specifies how to split a typed source element into several other elements in the target schema.
Public class ModelTranslatorSplitToType Creates a new element in the target schema from one or more parts of an element in the source schema.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ModelTranslatorCompatibilityLevel Enumerates the levels of compatibility for a model translator.