BuildActionChangeEventArgs |
Provides data when the build action for a project item has changed. |
BuildMacroRequestEventArgs |
Provides data for the BuildMacroRequest event. |
CanDeleteRequestEventArgs |
Provides data and control to features that can override the ability to delete a node from Solution Explorer. |
CanEditRequestEventArgs |
Provides data and control to features that can override the ability to edit the caption of a node from Solution Explorer. |
CatalogOrServerPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Provides data to the CatalogOrServerPropertyChanged event. This event is raised whenever the catalog or server properties are changed. |
ConfigurationAddedEventArgs |
Provides data for configuration added events. |
CreateFileNodesRequest |
This is a request object that is used by IDatabaseProjectNode.CreateFileNodes(IList<AddFileRequest>) . |
DatabaseProjectAddItemDialogContext |
When the Add New Item dialog box is displayed, this context object is available from the IDatabaseProjectNode. Any IDatabaseProjectFeature instances that implement IDatabaseProjectAddNewItemParticipant use this object to add creation strings as an input to the template wizard. |
DatabaseProjectAddItemDialogHelper |
This singleton is used to capture the state of the Add New Item dialog box. This is how features can preserve information when the Add New Item dialog box is invoked. |
DatabaseProjectBuildActionConverter |
Used to convert between the two built-in actions ("Build" and "NotInBuild"), and also between any build actions provided by the database schema provider extensions. Because this is a type converter, you must combine all project types from all database schema providers. Therefore, if one provider adds a build action, all providers receive it, even though it is not available from the project-level DatabaseProjectBuildActionHelper object. |
DatabaseProjectBuildActionHelper |
Used to help features with the build action of the database project. Note that build actions can be expanded from their usual Build and NotInBuild values by implementing IDatabaseProjectBuildActionContributor . |
DatabaseProjectConfig |
This class and its members are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used in your code. This class is used for configuration-specific properties. The DatabaseProjectNode is used for configuration-independent properties. |
DatabaseProjectConfigurationExtender |
Derives from this class to create extenders for database project configurations. |
DatabaseProjectExtenderBase |
This is the base class for all extenders (both node extenders and configuration extenders). |
DatabaseProjectExtenderCategories |
Defines the category identifiers to extend database project nodes. |
DatabaseProjectFileManagerService |
This represents the file manager extensibility feature for the project system. |
DatabaseProjectNodeExtender |
Derives from this class to create extenders for database nodes. This class must be ComVisible and public because it is used in the Visual Studio property window. |
DatabaseProjectPersistenceException |
Exception thrown by the support objects for MSBuild persistence. |
DatabaseProjectPropertySetFailedException |
This exception could be thrown when you implement project property pages if the underlying property could not be set. This could occur either because the project file could not be checked out or because the property value was not valid. |
DatabaseProjectReferenceSelectorData |
Used by IDatabaseProjectFeature instances that implement IDatabaseProjectReferenceController to return details about which references must be created in the project system. The project feature displays a dialog box that allows the user to select the reference type and then package that information in this object. |
DatabaseProjectSolutionExplorerAddItemDialogContext |
Provides context to the Add New Item dialog box. |
DatabaseProjectUpgradeException |
This exception is thrown when a project does not upgrade. |
DatabasePropertyPageControlData |
Contains information for every property on a project property page. |
DatabasePropertyPageDefinition |
Provides property page definitions to the extensibility point. |
DatabasePropertyPageUserControlBase |
Provides a base class for any project property pages. Any IDatabaseProjectFeature that implements IDatabaseProjectPropertyPageContributor can then return instances to add to the project properties. |
DragDropOrCopyPasteContext |
Provides context for what occurred during a copy-and-paste operation or during a drag-and-drop operation. |
DragDropOrCopyPasteEventArgs |
Provides data that is used after a drag and drop operation or a copy and paste operation has occurred. |
ExcludeFromProjectEventArgs |
Provides data for the file exclude event that comes from Solution Explorer. |
FileIconRequestEventArgs |
Provides data that is used when the core project system encounters a new file name extension and requires an icon for Solution Explorer. |
IncludeInProjectEventArgs |
Provides data for the NodeIncludedInProject event that comes from Solution Explorer. |
IsCodeFileRequestEventArgs |
Provides data to an IsCodeFile event from the project system. |
NewProjectEventArgs |
Provides data for the NewProjectCreated event. |
NodeAddedEventArgs |
Provides data to the DatabaseNodeAdded event that is raised when a node is added to Solution Explorer. |
NodeAttributesChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the NodeAttributesChanged event. |
NodeDeletedEventArgs |
Provides data to the DatabaseNodeDeleted event that is raised when a node is deleted from Solution Explorer. |
NodeRenamedEventArgs |
Provides data to the DatabaseNodeRenamed event. |
ProjectClosedEventArgs |
Provides data for the ProjectClosed event. |
ProjectEventArgs |
Provides data to several project events and acts as a base class for other event argument classes that are raised from the project system. |
ProjectLoadedEventArgs |
Provides data to the ProjectLoaded event. That event is raised when the project has completed deserialization (which occurs on the nonuser interface thread). |
ProjectOpenedEventArgs |
Provides data to the ProjectOpened event. |
ProjectOpeningEventArgs |
Provides data for the ProjectOpening event. |
PropertyChangedEventArgs |
Provides data to the ProjectPropertyChanged event. This event is raised whenever the configuration or project properties have changed. |
PropertyChangingEventArgs |
Provides data to the ProjectPropertyChanging. This event is raised whenever the configuration or project properties will soon change. |
ServiceAddedEventArgs |
Provides data to the ServiceAdded event. |
ShowDeleteRemoveMessageEventArgs |
Provides data for the ShowDeleteRemoveMessage event. |