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Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Explorer Namespace

The Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Explorer namespace contains types you can use to extend SharePoint nodes in Server Explorer or to define new types of nodes. For more information, see Extending the SharePoint Connections Node in Server Explorer.

Although most of the types in this namespace are interfaces, only the following interfaces are intended to be implemented in your code:


  Class Description
Public class ExplorerNodeEventArgs Provides data for several events related to SharePoint nodes in Server Explorer.
Public class ExplorerNodeMenuItemsRequestedEventArgs Provides data for the NodeMenuItemsRequested event.
Public class ExplorerNodePropertiesRequestedEventArgs Provides data for the NodePropertiesRequested event.
Public class ExplorerNodeTypeAttribute Indicates the Server Explorer node that is being extended, or specifies the ID of a new Server Explorer node that is being defined.
Public class ExplorerNodeTypes Defines IDs for several built-in SharePoint nodes in Server Explorer.


  Interface Description
Public interface IExplorerNode Represents a node in the SharePoint Connections hierarchy of nodes in Server Explorer.
Public interface IExplorerNodeCollection Represents a collection of IExplorerNode objects.
Public interface IExplorerNodeContext Provides members that you can use to interact with the SharePoint site that is associated with an IExplorerNode object.
Public interface IExplorerNodeEvents Defines events that are raised by IExplorerNode objects.
Public interface IExplorerNodeType Defines the behavior of an existing type of node in the SharePoint Connections hierarchy of nodes in Server Explorer.
Public interface IExplorerNodeTypeDefinition Defines the behavior of a new type of node in the SharePoint Connections hierarchy of nodes in Server Explorer.
Public interface IExplorerNodeTypeExtension Represents an extension of a node in the SharePoint Connections hierarchy of nodes in Server Explorer.
Public interface IExplorerNodeTypeProvider Provides the definition of a new type of node in the SharePoint Connections hierarchy of nodes in Server Explorer.
Public interface IExplorerSiteNodeInfo Provides information about the SharePoint site (that is, the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb) that is represented by a SharePoint site node in Server Explorer.

See Also


Other Resources

Extending the SharePoint Connections Node in Server Explorer