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Custom Properties List (Chart Controls)

This section lists the custom properties the Chart control supports. For more information, see Custom Properties.

In This Section

  • 3DLabelLineSize
    Specifies the 3D label line size as a percentage of the default size.
  • BubbleMaxSize
    Specifies the maximum size of the bubble radius as a percentage of the chart area size.
  • BubbleMinSize
    Specifies the minimum size of the bubble radius as a percentage of the chart area size.
  • CollectedColor
    Specifies the color of the collected pie or doughnut slice.
  • DrawSideBySide
    Specifies whether series of the same chart type are drawn next to each other instead of overlapping each other.
  • ErrorBarSeries
    Specifies the name of the series to be used as the data source for the Error Bar chart calculations.
  • ErrorBarStyle
    Specifies the visibility of the upper and lower error values.
  • FunnelPointGap
    Specifies the gap size between the points of a Funnel chart, measured in relative coordinates.
  • LabelStyle
    Specifies the label position of the data point.
  • LabelValueType
    Specifies the Y value to use as the data point label.
  • LineTension
    Specifies the line tension for the drawing of curves between data points.
  • OpenCloseStyle
    Specifies the marker style for open and close values.
  • PieLineColor
    Specifies the color of the radial and horizontal segments of the callout lines.
  • PointWidth
    Specifies the relative data point width.
  • PriceDownColor
    Specifies the data point color to use to indicate a decreasing trend.
  • PriceUpColor
    Specifies the data point color that indicates an increasing trend.
  • PyramidPointGap
    Specifies the gap size between the data points, measured in relative coordinates.
  • PyramidValueType
    Specifies whether the data point value represents a linear height or the surface of the segment.
  • ShowMarkerLines
    Specifies whether marker lines are displayed when rendered in 3D.
  • ShowOpenClose
    Specifies whether markers for open and close prices are displayed.

See Also



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