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How to: Submit a Bug using Test Runner

When you run a manual test and discover a defect in the application under test, you can submit a bug directly from Test Runner without having to switch to Visual Studio. Submitting a bug in this manner automatically adds a link and information about your test and testing environment to the bug. You can also update an existing bug if you discover additional defects while you are running a test. For more information, see How to: Update an Existing Bug While using Test Runner.


You can also have Test Runner record aspects of your manual test that you can submit with the bug. This makes the bug more usable by the person who will fix it. For more information about recording, see Recording and Playing Back Manual Tests.

If you find a bug when you are not running a specific test, you can submit a bug from Microsoft Test Manager. For example, you perform ad hoc testing and find a bug, or you notice incorrect behavior from discussion of the application under test. For more information, see How to: Submit a Bug Using Microsoft Test Manager.


When you create a bug in Microsoft Test Manager and not in Test Runner, information is not automatically added to the bug. You must manually enter system information and the steps to re-create the bug.

Submitting bugs in Test Runner

To submit a bug from Test Runner

  1. In Test Manager, start to run a test. For more information, see How to: Run Manual Tests.

  2. As you run the test case, mark steps as Pass, as appropriate.

  3. When you discover an application defect, mark the test step on which you discovered that defect as Fail.

  4. (Optional) To type a comment for the failed test step.


    You can also add comments in the Comments for this test step using the Add comment to step result button in the toolbar. For more information, see How to: Add a Comment While Running a Test.

  5. (Optional) To take a screen shot for either a rectangular area you can define, the specific window associated with the application under test, or the whole screen, click the arrow next to Capture on the toolbar and select either Capture rectangular screenshot, Capture full screenshot or Capture window screenshot.

    The window is saved in an image file that has the .png extension. It is listed as part of the test step. To annotate this image, double-click the .png file and the file is opened. You can annotate it and save it. For more information, see How to: Capture a Screenshot While Running a Test.


    You can also create a video recording of the desktop session during the test. The recording will be attached as a .wmv file together with the test results. This can be useful to help a developer view what occurred when the bug was found. For more information about how to create a video recording, see How to: Record a Video of Your Desktop as You Run Tests Using Test Settings.

  6. (Optional) You can attach a file which can provide additional information to support the issue. Click Add attachment to step result in the toolbar.

  7. Select the test step where the bug occurred and then click Create bug icon on the toolbar.


    You can also submit a bug at any time while running a test regardless if it is related or discovered during a specific test step or if a test step has failed or not.


       If you are running an exploratory test, click Create exploratory bug. For more information, see How to: Submit an Exploratory Bug using Test Runner.

    The New Bug dialog box appears.


    You may also append the issue to an existing bug by clicking the arrow next to the Create bug icon on the toolbar and selecting Update an existing bug. For more information, see How to: Update an Existing Bug While using Test Runner

  8. Type an appropriate title in the Title field.

  9. Under History, add comments specific to the bug.

  10. (Optional) To see the test steps and detailed actions that were automatically added, click the Details tab.

  11. (Optional) To see the input data, expected and actual results, comments, and attachments that were added to a specific test step, locate the test step where you added the bug.


    You can edit these test steps, expected results, and comments as needed.

  12. (Optional) To see the system information that was automatically added about the computer that you used for the test, click the System Info tab.

  13. (Optional) To see the test result attachments that are added as links, click the All Links tab. This includes diagnostic trace data. For more information, see How to: Submit Bugs with Diagnostic Trace Data.

  14. (Optional) To update the priority, click the down-arrow next to Priority.

  15. (Optional) To update the severity, click the down-arrow next to Severity.

  16. To save the bug, click Save and close.

  17. Click Resume to continue with the test.

    You can end the test and mark it as blocked or continue with the test depending on the bug that you discovered.

See Also


How to: Submit an Exploratory Bug using Test Runner

How to: Update an Existing Bug While using Test Runner

How to: Submit a Bug Using Microsoft Test Manager

How to: Record a Video of Your Desktop as You Run Tests Using Test Settings

How to: Capture a Screenshot While Running a Test

How to: Attach a File While Running a Test


Running Manual Tests Using Test Runner

Other Resources

Including Diagnostic Trace Data with Bugs that are Difficult to Reproduce