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Specifies a range of control IDs that the framework assigns to the user-defined toolbars.

void InitUserToolbars(
   LPCTSTR lpszRegEntry, 
   UINT uiUserToolbarFirst, 
   UINT uiUserToolbarLast


  • [in] lpszRegEntry
    The registry entry where the library stores user toolbar settings.

  • [in] uiUserToolbarFirst
    Control ID assigned to the first user-defined toolbar.

  • [in] uiUserToolbarLast
    Control ID assigned to the last user-defined toolbar.


Use this function to initialize a range of control IDs for assignment to toolbars that users define dynamically. The parameters uiUserToolbarFirst and uiUserToolbarLast define a range of allowed toolbar control IDs. To disable the creation of user-defined toolbars, set uiUserToolbarFirst or uiUserToolbarLast to -1.


Header: afxoleipframewndex.h

See Also


COleIPFrameWndEx Class

Hierarchy Chart