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IBuilderWizardManager.MapBuilderCATIDToCLSID Method

Returns the CLSID of a specific builder given a component category ID (CATID).

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0.dll)


Function MapBuilderCATIDToCLSID ( _
    ByRef rguidBuilder As Guid, _
    dwPromptOpt As UInteger, _
    hwndPromptOwner As IntPtr, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef pclsidBuilder As Guid _
) As Integer
int MapBuilderCATIDToCLSID(
    ref Guid rguidBuilder,
    uint dwPromptOpt,
    IntPtr hwndPromptOwner,
    out Guid pclsidBuilder
int MapBuilderCATIDToCLSID(
    [InAttribute] Guid% rguidBuilder, 
    [InAttribute] unsigned int dwPromptOpt, 
    [InAttribute] IntPtr hwndPromptOwner, 
    [OutAttribute] Guid% pclsidBuilder
abstract MapBuilderCATIDToCLSID : 
        rguidBuilder:Guid byref * 
        dwPromptOpt:uint32 * 
        hwndPromptOwner:IntPtr * 
        pclsidBuilder:Guid byref -> int 
function MapBuilderCATIDToCLSID(
    rguidBuilder : Guid, 
    dwPromptOpt : uint, 
    hwndPromptOwner : IntPtr, 
    pclsidBuilder : Guid
) : int


  • rguidBuilder
    Type: System.Guid%
     [in] The CATID of a builder.
    If the GUID is a CLSID of a specific builder and IBuilderWizardManager supports this builder, this method returns S_OK and sets pclsidBuilder to rguidBuilder.
  • dwPromptOpt
    Type: System.UInt32
     [in] Bit flags controlling whether there is a user prompt to choose the builder. Values are taken from the BLDPROMPTOPT enumeration.
  • hwndPromptOwner
    Type: System.IntPtr
     [in] Owner HWND for all dialogs and windows. May be NULL. If NULL, IBuilderWizardManager uses the HWND for the application frame window.
    Note    This method may bring up a modal dialog asking the user to choose the builder to use.
  • pclsidBuilder
    Type: System.Guid%
    [out] The CLSID of a specific builder.

Return Value

Type: System.Int32
S_OK if the CATID maps to a builder.
S_FALSE if there is no builder for the CATID.


The caller can control whether there is a user prompt to choose among multiple available builders for a particular CATID. If there is to be no prompt and there is more than one builder available, then IBuilderWizardManager picks a default builder.

Most clients do not need to call this method directly. They can call GetBuilder with the BLDGETOPT_FAUTOMAPGUID flag. Advanced callers may want to retrieve the CLSID for a builder rather than immediately instantiating the builder.

The builder manager’s implementation of MapBuilderCATIDToCLSID may have private knowledge of how to do the mapping for special CATIDs or it may use a general mechanism that looks in the registry.

This method always returns the CLSID of a particular builder.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


IBuilderWizardManager Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace