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Add Macro Project Dialog Box

The Add Macro Project dialog box allows you to add an existing macro project to the Macro Explorer. All available macros in the current folder are displayed. To add a macro project, select it and click the Open button.

To access the Add Macro Project dialog box:

  • right-click Macros in the Macro Explorer and then choose Load Project


  • choose Load Macro Project on the Macros submenu on the Tools menu.

  • Look In
    Lists the directory structure for the system. Select a folder to browse its contents.

  • Back
    Allows you to return to the previously selected item. Click multiple times to go back multiple levels.

  • Up One Level
    Moves the current view up one folder level towards the root folder.

  • Search the Web
    Brings you to the MSDN search site where you can search for additional macro files.

  • Delete
    Deletes the currently selected item.

  • Create New Folder
    Creates a new subfolder in the current folder.

  • Views
    Allows you to choose a particular directory view. You can change the view either by clicking the button or by selecting the type in the drop-down list. The available choices are:

    • List – Files and folders are listed alone, without headers or details.

    • Details – Files and folders are listed with headers and details.

    • Properties – Displays the properties of the currently selected file if any are available.

    • Previews – Displays a preview, if one is available, of the currently selected file.

    You can also arrange an icon view by name, type, size, and date.

  • Tools
    Allows you to delete the selected file, add it to your Favorites list, or map a network drive.

  • Toolbar
    Choose the button of the folder in which you want to search. Choose the History button to search the History folder, My Projects to search the My Projects folder, and so forth.

  • File name
    Allows you to type the name of a file, or displays the name of the currently selected file.

  • Files of type
    Filters the view of files by file type. In this case, you can choose only macro project files (.vsmacros or .vsmproj) or all files.

See Also


How to: Edit and Programmatically Create Macros


New Macro Project Dialog Box


Automating Repetitive Actions by Using Macros